標題: 大楊梅地區50 歲以上民眾初次罹患缺血性腦中風之危險因子探討---以楊梅某地區教學醫院病患為例
Risk Factors Survey of First-ever Ischemic Stroke of People above 50 Years Old in YangMei Regions: A Case Study of Local Teaching Hospital
作者: 張維揚
Chang, Wei-Yang
楊 千
Yang, Chyan
關鍵字: 缺血性腦中風、高血壓、高血脂、糖尿病、抽煙、酗酒;ischemic stroke、hypertension、hyperlipidemia、diabetes、smoking、excessive drinking
公開日期: 2010
摘要: 每六秒,不論性別年齡,在世界上無論何時、何地,就有一個人會 因中風而死亡。全世界每年約有五百七十萬人因腦中風而死,為全球的第 三大死因,但人口老化、飲食西化、抽菸及缺乏運動,更增加了高血壓、 高血脂、肥胖、糖尿病、中風及心臟病的發生,預估至西元2015 年,因 腦中風而死亡的人數每年將增加至六百七十萬人。根據國民健康局統計, 台灣40 歲以上腦中風的發生率約為4.7%,65 歲以上的發生率則增加至 7.9% ;每年約有一萬三千人死於腦中風,近一萬七千人會因為腦中風而 導致功能殘障,是60 歲以上人口的第二大死因,也是15 到59 歲人口的 第五大死因,更是使用健保資源前三名的疾病。因此如何預防腦中風的發 生,是台灣及世界各國公共衛生的重要課題。 本研究的目的在於希望了解,大楊梅地區50 歲以上的病患罹患初次 缺血性腦中風的危險因子,並探討其間之相關性。以楊梅某地區教學醫院 於民國97 年3 月至99 年12 月間因缺血性腦中風,而於神經內科病房 住院之病患為研究個案,樣本數696 人。 由統計結果得知大楊梅地區50 歲以上初次罹患缺血性腦中風的病患 以男性、年齡大於70 歲及教育程度低者佔大多數;而且絕大多數的病患 合併有2 項以上的危險因子,依序為高血壓、高血脂、糖尿病、抽煙、心 律不整及酗酒。
Regardless of gender, age, time and place, there is one person expired from stroke every six seconds in the world. Around 5,700,000 people die from stroke all over the world every year. It is the top three causes of death. Moreover, aging population, westernized diet, smoking and lack of exercise can increase the chances of hypertension, hyperlipidemia, obesity, diabetes, stroke and cardiovascular diseases. It is estimated that the number of people who die from stroke will be up to 6,700,000 worldwide in the year of 2015. According to Bureau of Health Promotion, the morbidity of stroke in people over 40 is 4.7%; people over 65 is 7.9%. Approximately 13,000 people die from stroke and 17,000 people are in the state of disability as result of stroke. It is the number two cause of death for the patient over 60 as well as the number five for the patient aged 19 to 59. Therefore, stroke prevention is the vital issue for the public health in Taiwan and the world. This research targeted 696 people with medical records in Neurological ward in local teaching hospital of YangMei from March 2008 to December 2010. The objective of this study is to find out the main risk factors of people over the age of 50 suffering first-ever ischemic stroke in YangMei district. From the study we concluded that the risk factors for people over 50 diagnosed ischemic stroke are: hypertention, hyperlipidemia, diabetes, smoking, heart disease and excessive drinking.