標題: | 台灣區藝品禮品輸出業同業公會協助公會貿易商以策略聯盟解決市場困境 A Study on The Role of Taiwan Gift & Houseware Exporters Association in Assisting Trader Members to Strategic Alliances to Settle Marketing Dilemma |
作者: | 許錦俊 Sheu, Jiin-Jiunn 陳光華 Chen, Quang-Hua 高階主管管理碩士學程 |
關鍵字: | 策略聯盟;工商業團體;貿易商;strategic alliances;industrial association;traders |
公開日期: | 2010 |
摘要: | 台灣貿易商絕大部分為中小企業,規模較小,動輒受到總體經濟環境的影響。近年來又因全球化、區域化以及新興市場崛起等原因,資源有限的貿易商更難在日益競爭的環境中脫穎而出。 於1980年至1990年初蔚為風潮的策略聯盟是貿易商可以考慮的策略之一;藉由與策略聯盟成員間之合作,以突破後天條件不利之限制,貿易商間相輔相成,轉型或提昇競爭力,再創榮景。過去甚少學者對貿易商參與策略聯盟之相關議題進行探討,以致貿易商在從事策略聯盟探討時缺乏理論與實務方面之參考依據。 台灣貿易商向來以反應快速靈活及善於單打獨鬥著稱,相對地欲將其整合也頗具困難度,亟需要一具有公信力之機構居中協調。政府一直大力推廣大貿易商,但成效不彰。我們以2009年營收淨額來看,台灣前三百大貿易商中,全年營收淨額超過十億元台幣的本土貿易商不超過100家,而且只有特力貿易公司一家超過一百億元。貿易商大型化的速度極為緩慢,政府的配套及輔導似乎效果不佳;如果政府連為數不多之大貿易商都無力成就,又如何能協助為數27萬家之中小型貿易商進行策略聯盟? 產業公會(工商業團體)一向被視為是政府的執行單位;除了作為政府與企業間溝通橋樑,也兼具協助政府倡導或推動經濟政策之國家機構性功能。產業公會是否具備足夠的能力,代理政府協助貿易商,作為媒合平台,撮成貿易商間之策略聯盟? 本研究藉由策略聯盟理論及國際貿易理論等相關文獻之蒐集探討,整理出一「建構策略聯盟架構圖(Integrated Framework for Strategic Alliance Formation)」,並以此價構為基礎進行與二十二位涵括貿易業界資深業者與公會任職人員深度訪談。受訪者者依循本架構,首先經由對內外部環境分析及策略聯盟動機分析找出自己企業對策略聯盟之需求。接著依Michael Porter之價值鏈分析企業所需要之策略聯盟方式,此即為「策略聯盟的類型」;夥伴的選擇也非常 重要,本研究綜合各學者論點提出一份「策略聯盟夥伴選擇準則」;最後透過對公會組織功能之分析,發現公會是一為產業界所信賴之組織;但做為策略聯盟之專責機構恐力有不殆,必須在人力、經費及專業知識等方面提供資助。 Most of Taiwan traders are small and medium-size enterprises, easily subject to the macro-economic environment. More and more issues such as globalization, regionalization, the rise of emerging markets, etc. make the market more competitive. With limited resources, traders will be fading out from the competition soon. Traders may consider strategic alliances as a tool to break through the dilemma. With the cooperation among members of strategic alliances, traders seek to enhance competitiveness at affordable cost. Taiwan traders are known for prompt response to the issues, flexible in change, and good at working alone, which makes it relatively hard to incorporate. The Government has been promoting large traders for years ineffectively. In 2009, there were less than 100 local traders with net revenue over a billion NT$ and only one over 10 billions. As a small trader among total of 270,000 traders in the country, it is not realist to expect the government to help. Industrial association has long been regarded as a unit of the government; a bridge between government and enterprises in promoting economic policy or others. Are industrial associations able to carry out works of government in assisting traders, as the matching platform, forming into a strategy alliance? There were only few studies in the past on strategic alliances of traders, resulting in the lack of reference in theoretical and practical aspects in the field. Based on intensive studies on theories of strategic alliances and theories of international trade, an “Integrated Framework for Strategic Alliance Formation”was built and tested on 22 interviwees from the industry and association. Strategic alliance will meet the need of traders and industrial association as a matching plateform will work only if adequate assets are equipped. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/48532 |
顯示於類別: | 畢業論文 |