Title: 耐用型(Durable)筆記型電腦新產品開發市調研究
Market Research of New Product Development for the Durable NoteBooks
Authors: 邱揚程
Chen, Shu-Kuang
Keywords: 耐用型筆記型電腦;新產品開發;市場區隔;Durable Notebook;New Product Development;Market Segmentation
Issue Date: 2010
Abstract: 本研究是針對『耐用型(Durable)筆記型電腦的新產品開發市調研究』做為探討的主題,針對現有的中高階消費型筆記型電腦,開發一款具備耐摔、耐震、防水等高階防護性能,藉由強固式的設計,讓筆記型電腦能承受商旅中各種不當處理方式所造成的影響。 由於筆記型電腦產業已日趨成熟,近年朝M型化發展,逐漸強調價格或效能,因此思考將強固型電腦的研發技術設計應用在商規筆記型電腦,研發適合專業人士或行動商務人士使用之商用筆記型電腦,以創造更多的產品附加價值。並針對消費者探討其使用經驗及其願意多花多少價錢來購買此『耐用型筆記型電腦』所提供的資料保護功能,另外也透過市調研究來分析潛在的使用族群,以作為新產品開發上市的行銷策略定位。 本研究是以『筆記型電腦的使用者』為族群,並以商務人士、專業人士、業務以及工程專業人員為主要抽樣目標,探討其會攜帶筆記型電腦外出使用的頻率及其使用經驗分析,並對於此『耐用型筆記型電腦』所提供的耐摔、防震及防潑水的價格接受度,以及人口統計變數與生活型態變數。並以卡方獨立性檢定及變異數分析來了解各個變數之間的關連性。
This topic is base on “Market research of new development for Durable notebook”. Focusing on current middle and high class commercial notebook to develop a series of new notebooks with drop proofed, shock protected and waterproofed. Through rugged design, the notebook will be able to bare all the improper handling during the trip. Current notebook industry is getting mature and heading to M shape, market start to special empathizing the price or performance. Therefore, thinking about how to utilize rugged notebook technology to commercial notebook will be able to provide extra product value to professionals and business people’s commercial notebook. Moreover, base on the past experience, how much consumer willing to pay for extra data protection that Durable notebook can provide, through the market survey, manufacturer can analyze potential consumer and position the marketing strategy. The main sampling target for this research will be focus on business people, professionals, sales, and engineers, through the data will be able to discuss the four main groups traveling frequency with notebook and their experience. The research also can show the acceptable price for drop proofed, shock protected and waterproofed Durable notebook with demographic variable and lifestyle variable. Furthermore, using Chi-Square Independence test and ANOVA (Analysis of Variance) will be able to understand the connection between variables.
Appears in Collections:Thesis