標題: 使用無線射頻技術-建立TFT-LCD黃光區光罩送取自動化系統-以Y公司為例
Application of RFID on Setting up TFT-LCD Photo Area Mask Management System --- A Case Study on Company Y
作者: 葉權霈
Yeh, Chuan-Pei
Chang, Yung-Chia
關鍵字: 無線射頻技術;光罩;RFID;MASK
公開日期: 2011
摘要: 本研究主要是以竹南園區某面板廠公司為研究對象,建構出一個黃光區光罩送取自動化系統,本論文所建構的光罩送取自動化系統出發點為分析個案公司黃光區機台閒置問題,且發現主要導致個案公司機台閒置之原因為人員不能即時確認光罩位置所在,本論文主要目的為在個案公司導入無線射頻識別技術(Radio Frequency Identification, RFID)並建立一套符合生產作業人員使用的光罩電子化系統,在個案公司正式導入使用後,確實達到將光罩資訊的透明化,並有效提升產出,且降低人為誤操作等效益。
This case study is based on a panel factory in Chunan Park to set up TFT-LCD Photo Area Mask Management System. The starting point in this essay is using mask sending automated system to analyze the idle time problem of photolithography machine in the target company. The research found that the reason of machine idle is that operators cannot immediately confirm the location of the mask. The main purpose of this essay is leading radio frequency identification, RFID, in the target company and establishing the mask electronic system for production operators. After introducing TFT-LCD Photo Area Mask Management System into the production process, the target company actually acquired the mask information transparency, effectively improved output, and reduced human error.