標題: 探討信任、創新、與接受因素對雲端商業智慧服務採用的影響
The Study of Trust, Innovation and Acceptance Factors for the Adoption of Cloud Business Intelligence Services
作者: 黃子芸
Huang, Tzu-Yun
Tsai, Min-Jen
關鍵字: 雲端運算;商業智慧;使用者接受模型;Cloud;Business Intelligence;Technology Acceptance model
公開日期: 2010
摘要: 雲端商業智慧是指企業能夠透過以網路為基礎,提供具備彈性和分散式的架 構的整合資訊科技服務,讓企業資訊能夠高度整合以協助管理者決策的系統。雖 然雲端商業智慧與傳統的商業智慧相比能夠使企業獲得許多效益,然而對於企業 來說,導入雲端商業智慧可能亦會遭遇許多人員適應上的困難,降低企業內部的 使用者對於系統的使用意圖,進而增加對於科技變革的抗拒。因此本研究企圖透 過信任(Trustworthiness)、創新擴散模型(Diffusion of Innovation, DOI)與科技接受 模型(Technology Acceptance Model, TAM)來探討影響企業內部資訊部門人員對 於雲端商業智慧使用意圖的因素為何,並企圖討論成功導入雲端商業智慧服務的 關鍵因素為何。本研究收集106筆已經導入、正在導入、或即將導入商業智慧的 公司資訊管理部門(MIS)的員工的資料,模型驗證的工具為結構方程模型 (SEM)。研究結果顯示,認知易用性、品牌形象、相對利益、對網路的信任程度、 與對雲端供應商的信任程度會顯著影響資訊部門人員的使用意圖。因此企業內部 應該透過制度、教育訓練、與宣導來提升資訊人員對雲端商業智慧的使用,在外 部應該透過服務供應商的評選與雇用第三方的團體對流程的監督以提升內部人 員對網路與供應商的信任程度。本研究的結果將可以幫助企業在導入雲端商業智 慧等相關應用時的準備與策略制定。
Cloud Business Intelligence (Cloud BI) means a web based IT service provision with a flexible and distributed infrastructure, which brings integrated information to assist the decision making of top managers. Although Cloud BI provides considerable benefit to business compared to traditional BI, from a business perspective, the implementation of Cloud BI may cause the adaptation difficulties of organization, the reluctance use of IT employees and the behavioral resistance from IT employees. Therefore, this study attempted to explore the factors that influence IT employees’ intension of use and discuss the critical successful factors of Cloud BI through the theoretical analysis of Trustworthiness, Diffusion of Innovation (DOI) and Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). This study first collected data from 106 IT employees whose companies have implemented BI, being implemented or will implement BI. We then analyzed the data using structural equation modeling (SEM) approach. The results demonstrate IT employees’ perception of use, brand image, relative advantage, trustworthiness of Internet as well as trustworthiness of service providers significantly influenced IT employees’ intension of use. Under such circumstance, corporations should enhance their IT employees’ perception of use for Cloud BI through organizational system, training, and propaganda. The enterprise also should implement third party organization to monitor the overall process for the sake of increasing IT employees’ trustworthiness of both Internet and service providers. The results of this study will be beneficial to enterprises’ preparation of Cloud BI implementation and also assist enterprise to develop practical strategies of Cloud BI.