標題: 細水霧系統運用於大型風力發電機火災防護之實驗及模擬
Experimental and simulations study on water mist suppression system on wind turbines fire protection
作者: 林保文
陳 俊 勳
關鍵字: 風力發電機;細水霧;電腦數值模擬;wind turbines;water mist;simulations
公開日期: 2011
摘要: 本論文之目的主要針對細水霧系統運用於大型風力發電機火災防護之實驗及模擬研究。由於核能發電之成本雖然較其他能源廉價但在311日本大地震引發福島核事故後,更能讓大家認清核電的「災難成本」,台灣已面臨核能災害及再生能源不足之窘境,風力發電機之風能開發將是台灣目前面臨之重大挑戰。但目前台灣對於風力發電機之消防防護系統並無任何設置規定,通常僅放置幾具手提滅火器作為防災應變之用,所以並無法針對火災做有效抑制或控制,且風力發電機通常設於偏遠地區,消防單位應變時效備受考驗,另外風力發電機設置高度過高,消防救援車輛及機具無法深入火場來撲滅火勢,最後則由投資者承受巨額財物損失及營運中斷損失。 本研究首先探討風力發電機火災危害風險,了解其火災損失的原因、損失案例、財產損失及後續成本、防護的目的及概念與防護措施的種類。其次探討細水霧防護系統可行性實驗,研究其效益與特性,分為實驗室設計、火源種類及尺寸選擇與配置、消防防護系統架設、感測元件設備架設、實驗結果及討論等。最後探討細水霧防護系統數值模擬,建立模擬情境並針對模擬結果提出討論並分析比較實驗與電腦模擬之差異。 最後希望藉由本研究能作為提升風力發電機火災防護及救災水準之參考,提高風能開發投資者及政府對於風力能源之防災應變信心,希望最後由全體民眾享受風力能源所帶來之環保經濟的低碳生活。
The purpose of this study focused on the development of water mist systems used in fire protection of large wind turbines and the simulation experiment. Although the cost of nuclear power cheaper than other energy sources, but caused a major earthquake in Fukushima, Japan 311 after a nuclear accident, nuclear power and allow the people recognize the "cost of disaster, "Taiwan has been facing shortage of nuclear disaster and the dilemma of renewable energy, wind power generator The wind energy development will be the major challenges currently facing Taiwan. However, in Taiwan for fire protection systems for wind turbines did not have any set requirements, usually with only a few portable fire extinguishers put the fire disaster prevention and response as used, and therefore it can not be done for effective fire suppression or control, and wind turbines are usually located in remote Area, fire department response time the test, a high-fat high power generator set, fire brigades to put out the fire can not be in-depth fire, and finally by the investors bear the huge loss of property damage and business interruption. First we study the wind turbine fire hazard risks, understanding the reasons for its fire losses, loss cases, property damage and subsequent costs, protection of the purpose and concept of the types of protective measures. Secondly, to explore the feasibility of water mist protection systems experiments to study the benefits and characteristics, divided into laboratory design, fire type and size selection and configuration, fire protection system set up, equipment set up sensors, experimental results and discussions. Finally, we discuss numerical simulation of water mist protection systems, to build a simulation scenario and simulation results presented for discussion and analysis and comparison of the difference between experiment and computer simulation. Lastly, I hope that this study can be used as wind turbine upgrade the standard of fire protection and rescue of reference, to improve wind energy development for wind energy investors and government confidence in the disaster prevention and response, and finally by all the people brought about by the wind energy to enjoy the environmental and economic life.


  1. 652201.pdf

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