標題: 違反競爭法行為之私法上效力:以違法聯合行為與民法第七十一條為中心
alidity of Anticompetitive Practices in Private Law—Focusing on Concerted Actions and Article 71 of Civil Code
作者: 許翠玲
Hsu, Tsui_Ling
Wang, Li-Dar
關鍵字: 違反競爭法行為;聯合行為;私法效力;效力規定;民法第七十一條;anticompetition;concerted action;validity in private law;grounds of invalidity;Article 71 of the Civil Code
公開日期: 2012
摘要: 違反競爭法之聯合行為,具有高度反競爭性,對市場競爭之限制程度高,各國無不予以高度管制,歐盟運作條約、英國及韓國等國明文規定其私法上效力為無效。時值美國、歐盟以我國產業有違法聯合行為而課以巨額罰款,國內產業開始關注競爭法。謀聯合行為之事業間,可否據違法聯合行為約定對他事業有所主張,涉及對違法聯合行為之私法上效力之認定。在我國為數不多的相關司法案例中未能見到令人信服的論述,且多與世界潮流相逆。公平法刻正研擬修法中,本文從評析民事判決、檢討民法第71條之適用、提出判斷違法聯合行為效力時應注意之事項及其私法效力應為無效之理由,期能提供公平法修法參考。
Concerted actions that violate competition law are highly anticompetitive, and seriously hinder market competition. All countries heavily regulate such actions. In EU, British and Korea, laws explicitly void such actions in private law. Because recently, U.S. and E.U. imposed huge amount of fines on Taiwanese businesses, local businesses began to pay attention to competition law. Among cartel businesses, can one business clam against another based on the breach of the agreement of a concerted action? This should be subject to the validity of the illegal concerted action agreement under private law. In those limited cases in Taiwan, no convincing opinion is found, and most of them are opposite to the worldwide trend. As the Fair Trade Act is being amended, this essay analyzes cases, review Article 71 of the Civil Code, and propose several factors for evaluating the validity of an illegal concerted action and grounds of voidance under private law. The authors hope it can be of reference for the amendment.


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