标题: 工业区设置前之化学品风险潜势评估研究
A Study on Chemical Risk Potential Assessment for Pre-developed Industrial Zone
作者: 王修礼
Wang, Hsiu-Li
Fu, Wu-Shung
关键字: 风险评估;潜势分析;毒性化学物质;Risk assessment;Analysis of potential risks;Toxic chemicals
公开日期: 2011
摘要: 国内近年来发生多起重大事故,其中部分事故与化学品相关,倘若事故波及化学品,将使得事故之救灾应变更加复杂及险峻。国内工业区除少数石化工业区外,其余工业区较少针对可能运作之化学品,进行该工业区开发前之风险潜势评估;目前国内虽已有相关单位,开始针对现有工业区进行毒性化学物质风险潜势分析,但规划中或尚未开发之工业区,则较少进行评估或探讨。
There are a number of serious accidents in Taiwan in recent years, and some of these accidents are related to chemicals, which can make rescue much more complicated and dangerous. Except a few petrochemical industrial zones, majority industrial zones in Taiwan do not carry out risk potential assessment for chemicals they are dealing with prior to their setup. Although some government divisions in Taiwan have started analyzing risk potential of toxic chemicals for presently existing industrial zones, little evaluation or investigation has done for industrial zones that are under the planning or pre-development stage.
This study selected an area at Wuchi, Taichung that has not yet been developed into an industrial zone, and then designed this area into a simulating industrial zone. Chemical risk potential simulation was conducted based on local climate data. The acquired information was then submitted into the geographic information software (GIS) to calculate the possible range of area that may be influenced. The result suggested that the risk potential zone of toxic gas diffusion is greater than that of fire and heat radiation. Risk potential zone with a stable wind speed is greater than the one with a wind speed of the yearly average. Toxic gas diffusion and fire and heat radiation risk potential areas are both affected by wind direction. As the quantity of chemicals increases, so is the range of the risk potential zone. Therefore, to control the risk potential zone, one method is to limit the quantity of chemicals used in the industrial zone, while the other method is to develop low-toxicity and low-hazard manufacturing processes or chemical for replacing those toxic ones. These measures can effectively curb the size of risk potential zones, thereby reducing their impacts on the neighboring areas.