標題: 傳統市場名特產食品宅配服務模式之發展
Developing the Home Delivery Service Model for Specialty Foods in Tranditional Markets
作者: 李英毅
Lee, Ying-Yi
Chen, Mu-Chen
關鍵字: 宅配;網路購物;新服務發展;品質機能展開;傳統市場名特產;Home Delivery Service;Online Shopping;New Service Development;Quality Function Deployment;Specialty Foods in Traditional Markets
公開日期: 2010
摘要: 電子商務和宅配服務結合後,發揮出相輔相成的效應,創造出莫大的商機,讓一般民眾可以在網路上消費有更多元化的選擇,也能更快的收到指定的商品,滿足購買慾望。此電子商務銷售之商業模式,在近兩年又更加的進化,消費者從訂購到收貨的訂單循環時間(Order Cycle Time)也更加縮短,但此模式是否能套用到傳統市場名特產食品的產業?要如何創造出一個流程,才能真正符合想要購買傳統市場名特產食品的消費者之需求? 本研究則以台灣某宅配公司為例,將其所欲建立的網路購物及宅配之整合服務平台,以新服務發展(New Service Development,NSD)模式作為研究主體,針對顧客需求分析及服務流程發展二階段進行探討。並且,採用品質機能展開(Quality Function Deployment, QFD) 探討顧客需求及發展服務流程。 透過品質機能展開的結果發現,在顧客聲音(Voice of Customer, VOC)部分,消費者在網路購物時,對個人資料及交易機制的安全性相當重視,而價格也是選擇網站和商品的重要因素之一;在傳統市場名特產食品的宅配服務上,消費者則是重視食品配送的速度與新鮮程度,以及食品運送中若產生任何問題,宅配公司是否有辦法快速反應,並即刻處理,以化解消費者不滿情緒。 至於在工程聲音 (Voice of Engineering, VOE)部分,在透過品質屋關係矩陣將VOC轉換成公司機能改善順序後,公司部分首要改善的建議就是人員職能的訓練、行銷品牌的建立、系統效能和個資安全的提升等項目。 最後,透過NSD的流程建構及思考模式,再輔以QFD作為研究工具蒐集顧客真實的聲音,並轉換成公司流程改善的依據,相信此研究流程,必定可以作為企業在發展新服務的重要工具。
The complementary effect produced by e-commerce integrated with home delivery service creates tremendous opportunities. Online shoppers can not only have multiple options, but also collect specified goods sooner and satisfy their shopping desire. Such e-commerce business model has been evolved in recent years and can shorten order cycle time for consumers. However, can this model be applied to specialty foods industry in traditional markets? How should one provide a process to meet the needs of consumers who are interested in specialty foods in traditional markets? This thesis takes a Taiwan’s home delivery company as an example for study. The main theme focuses on the home delivery company’s intention to build up an integrated platform combining online shopping and home delivery service. Moreover, New Service Development (NSD) model is applied to build the integrated service. This thesis investigates the customers’needs and develops the service process. Quality Function Deployment (QFD) is adopted as the methodology in this study. And the result reveals that when online shoppers put emphasis on personal information and security of trading mechanism in the perspective of Voice of Customer. Price is also one of important factors that influence consumers when choosing websites and products. As for home delivery service on specialty foods in traditional markets, consumers pay attention to the speed of delivery service, freshness of foods and quick responses from home delivery companies when any problems happen during delivery. In the perspective of Voice of Engineering, which means the function of a company, the main suggestions for improvement are training personnel, setting up a brand, strengthening system effectiveness and information security. Finally, through NSD model, assisted by QFD as the research tool to collect real voices from customers and to transfer as basis for improving service process, the researcher believes that this research process can play an important role on new service development for companies.