Title: 電子產業專業物流公司物流中心選址之研究
The Distribution Center Location Problem of a Specialized Logistic Company in the Electronic Industry
Authors: 郭本威
Kuo, Pen-Wei
Chen, Mu-Chen
Keywords: 物流中心;選址問題;數學規劃;Distribution Center;Location problem;Mathematical programming
Issue Date: 2010
Abstract: 近幾年由於第三方物流業的蓬勃發展,以及電子產業對於非核心事業逐漸進行外包,使得第三方物流業者在物流中心選址時,必須審慎考慮如何在有效服務的前提之下,降低顧客的成本,並同時保持本身合理的利潤。在全球化經濟體系的競爭中,電子產業的毛利逐漸下降,再加上資訊科技的推波助瀾之下,迫使廠商不斷思索著如何有效降低供應鏈體系成本與提升顧客服務水準,以達到市場競爭的優勢。 台灣主機板產業自2000年開始,出貨量佔全球總量的比重一直名列第一,佔有率更超過九成。台灣主機板產業能維持蓬勃的發展,主要是因近幾年OEM/ODM市場的順利拓展,許多國際知名大廠如HP、Dell、Acer等,將主機板訂單持續的釋出予台灣國際性大廠,讓台灣的主機板業能藉由代工產業的發展,維持一定的規模。而在強調分工整合的今天,主機板業者會將物流中心外包,以專心致力於核心事業。 本研究利用數學規劃模式,以中國華南地區電子料件各供應商所在地點以及候選物流中心為基礎,蒐集各物流中心操作成本、各供應商到各物流中心的單位運輸成本以及各物流中心單位操作成本,並利用物流中心設立與供應商指派等決策變數,以數學歸納法中的0-1整數規劃來求取最小成本的目標式。本研究建構一個有效的數學模式,期盼能提供物流業者在物流中心選址時的決策參考。
When Third-Party logistics companies are facing the location problem of their distribution center, they have to consider not only effective services and lower cost but also their own profit due to rising development of Third-Party logistics industry, and the out sourcing of electronic industries in their non-core business. In the competition of globalized economical system, the gross profit in electronic industry is getting lower and information technology improvement, this situation forces electronic companies to find out an effective way to reduce the cost of supply chain and improve the service level to customers in order to have competitive advantages in the market. Since 2000, the Mother Board (MB) volume made by Taiwan companies is the biggest in the world and also occupied over 90% of total. The reason why Taiwan MB industry can be so strong is because of the growth in ODM/OEM market. Many global branding companies such as HP, Dell and Acer keep releasing the orders to Taiwan MB factories for those companies extend their business scale in recent years. MB companies will out sourcing their distribution center and focus on core business. The research method is using mathematical programming, based on the locations of electronic component vendors and candidate Distribution Center (DC) which located in south China. By collecting the cost of DC including fix cost, unit operation cost and unit transportation cost between vendor and DC, we use 0-1 integer programming to find the minimized cost of objective function. The research established a model which can provide decision reference when Third-Party logistics companies are facing DC location problem.
Appears in Collections:Thesis