標題: 考量上游運輸整合之物流中心區位設置問題
A Distribution Center Location Problem with the Integration of Upstream Transportation
作者: 陳彥蓉
關鍵字: 供應鏈管理;物流中心;區位分析;拉式鬆弛法;啟發式演算法;Supply Chain Management;Distribution Center;Location Analysis;Lagrangian Relaxation;Heuristics
公開日期: 2013
摘要: 跨國企業在進入新興市場(如中國大陸、印度、巴西等地),初期偏重於生產 設施以及上游原物料、零件供應系統的建置,而將內需市場委由熟悉當地市場的 在地公司做代理,利用其物流體系,進行配銷的工作,當跨國企業進入新興市場 一段期間後,對於當地市場需求、經營環境有所瞭解,為提升客戶的服務品質以 及增加企業的營收,極有可能著手開始建構及規劃其物流系統。以此為前提下, 本研究考量物流中心設置區位問題,以四層物流系統架構為基礎,給定已知的供 應商、工廠以及零售商區位,並將供應商至工廠、工廠至物流中心運量整合決策 納入其中。本研究建構一混合整數規劃模型,並利用拉氏鬆弛法發展了一套演算 法的求解機制,由數值測試結果可得知,利用拉氏鬆弛演算法可於有效的時間內 求得近似最佳解。
When entering an emerging market (such as China, India, and Brazil), an international company may initially focus on establishing the production plants as well as the upstream parts/raw material supply system and relay on local companies to be the sales agents taking care of the outbound physical distribution. However, once getting familiar with the business environment, the international company may consider to build up its own distribution system to improve profit margin and customer service. Under this context, based on a distribution system with four layers, this study deals with the location problem of the distribution centers (DCs), given the fixed locations of the suppliers, the plants, and the retailers. In particular, the integration of the supplier-plant and plant-DC transportation is a crucial factor in this strategic location decision problem. This study developed an mixed-integer programming (MIP) model and designed a heuristic solution algorithm based on Lagrangian Relaxation. In the numerical experiment, the solution quality of the developed algorithm was found to be close to optimality, and the computation time is acceptable in terms of strategic decision.