標題: 以區域整合規劃設立產地生鮮蔬果農產品集運中心
To Determine the Optimal Agricultural Processing Center Systems by Using Regional Integration Planning Concept
作者: 李宗儒
Tzong-Ru Lee
Tai-Hong Chen
Shu-Hui Yang
Department of Management Science
關鍵字: 整數規劃模式;區位分析;農產品集運中心;物流;Integer programming model;Location analysis;Agricultural processing center;Logistics
公開日期: 2005
摘要: 本研究提出設立生鮮農產品集運中心之理念,建立數學規劃模型來分析集運中心最適區位、規模等資料,由集運中心將附近區域生產之農產品集中處理與包裝後,先滿足集運中心附近區域之農產品需求,然後由模型來分析將哪些集運中心改建為物流中心,以及將剩餘之農產品轉運到物流中心之數量,以利進行長程運輸配送,達到降低物流成本、提高整體物流配送效率之效果。研究結果發現,當同一縣市內對某一農產品同時具有供應與需求時,即可於該區域建置集運中心,以節省運輸成本。大規模之集運中心設置區位,均十分接近大型消費地或大型供應地。建置大型集運中心時,必須考慮其建置後對降低運輸成本之貢獻程度、其附近之集運中心是否有剩餘產能等因素。
In this study, we established mathematical programming models to determine the optimal locations and scales for agricultural processing centers. The purpose of this study is to reduce the logistic costs and raise the distribution efficient. Our results showed the location of agricultural processing center should be nearly the large-sized consumer region or the large-sized supply region. In addition, building an agricultural processing center, we should consider the impact of the transportation cost and its capacity.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/129051
期刊: 交大管理學報
Chiao Da Mangement Review
Volume: 2
起始頁: 89
結束頁: 108


  1. 20051289108.pdf

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