標題: 利用認知診斷評量探討投影片教學對學生 學習成就之研究-以等量公理為例
A Study of Instructional Design by PowerPoint on Learning Achievement by Cognitively Diagnostic Assessment - Equality Axiom as an Example
作者: 胡冠璇
Cheng, Chien-Ming
關鍵字: 等量公理;認知診斷;Axiom of Equality;Cognitive Diagnostic Assessment
公開日期: 2010
摘要: 本研究以桃園縣立某國中七年級學生為研究對象,針對等量公理單元,探討與分析投影片與板書教學之下學生學習成效有何差異。投影片組為研究者任教的3個班,採用投影片教學;其他19個班,採用板書教學。 配合能力指標與習得概念,並與校內資深老師及指導教授討論之後,完成研究工具的編製;在教學完畢後,對全部學生進行施測;最後以統計軟體分析學生的作答結果,根據結果討論學生的等量公理概念理解程度、能力指標達成情況、認知層次的學習差異,並分別針對高、低分組討論學生的答題易犯錯誤。 從研究結果看來,不論何種教法對高分組的學生均無影響,高分組答對率幾乎都在90%~100%之間;整體看來,投影片組在「概念理解」、「程序執行」部分成績較好,「概念理解」部分有顯著差異,「程序執行」部分則沒有。等量公理的10項能力指標中,除了「第5項能力:去括號的時候要變號」之外,其餘9項能力投影片組的表現優於其他班級。兩組學生的得分結果,投影片組學生平均得分高於其他班級,有顯著差異。 綜合以上結果,可推論投影片教法較適合低成就學生。 最後,若要針對等量公理單元對學生進行補教教學,應特別強調的能力如下: (1)等量公理概念理解的能力。 (2)拆兩個以上括號的能力。 (3)比起等量乘、除法,應特別加強等量加、減法的部份。
In this research study, the research group is 22 classes of junior high school students who are currently studying in seventh grade in Taoyuan County, Taiwan. Focusing on the math class unit of Axiom of Equality and giving the diagnostic assessment of students’ cognitive understanding of the unit. The sample groups are three different classes of researcher’s math class in which each class are taught with PowerPoint slides and the control groups are the other nineteen classes in which are taught with blackboard and chalk. Pairing with student classroom’s ability based on their letter grade indicator and discussing with senior teachers and advisor to complete the methods and tools for the research. After the math unit of Axiom of Equality has been taught to the students, an exam has given out to the students to assess their cognitive understanding of the unit. Their ability indicates the differences between their understanding of the unit, and comparing the higher grade with lower grade students and the common mistakes in the exam questions. From the results, regardless of the method of teaching, it had no effect on the higher grade class students. The higher grade student’s class has correct score rates of 90% to 100%; the sample group has better performance in "conceptual understanding" part but no significant differences in "sequence execution" part. Out of ten indicators in Axiom of Equality other than the fifth indicators: “Change the variable number after brackets has been removed ", the experiment group outperforms than the control group. Comparing the two sample groups with control group then experiment group has higher average score than the control group. Based on the above results, PowerPoint slides can be inferred more suitable for teaching low-achieving students. Finally, in teaching student the unit of Axiom of Equality for after school class should particularly emphasis on the ability of the following: (1) The ability to understand the concept of Axiom of Equality. (2) The ability to resolve linear equation that contains two brackets. (3) In comparison with equivalent multiplication, division, and equivalent addition, subtraction, the research recommends more focus on the latter.