標題: 挖洞技術應用於營建產業知識管理-以基礎工程專利技術為例
Finding Technology Blanks for the Construction Industrial Knowledge- Using Patented Foundation Technologies as an Example
作者: 陳怡欣
Yi-Hsin Chen
Ren-Jye Dzeng
關鍵字: 知識管理;專利分析;專利地圖;知識特徵;Knowledge Management;Patent Analysis;Patent Map;Knowledge Characteristic
公開日期: 2004
摘要: 在如今強調知識管理與知識經濟之時代下,知識是唯一具有長期價值之生產要素,因此能有效管理知識以促使產業中知識不斷地創新、儲存、擴散與應用,是創造產業持續競爭優勢之關鍵所在。本研究擬以基礎工程類之專利知識為主要研究範疇,透過專利地圖等專利分析工具,瞭解產業技術發展現況與技術知識缺口之未來發展方向;並透過專家訪談與問卷調查方式獲得重要專利技術之知識特徵與功效,以統計分析方法探討技術知識特徵與功效間之關連性,最後配合促進知識循環之目標提供政府補助技術知識之建議,以期加速營建技術知識創新與應用,創造產業持續競爭優勢。
Since managing knowledge is highly emphasized nowadays, knowledge is the only productive factor that has sustained and long-term value. Therefore, effective performance of knowledge management, which can promote the generating, storing, distributing and applying of the knowledge, is the critical point to create sustained competitive advantage of construction industry. This research selects the patents of foundation engineering technology to be the main researchable category. Using the analytic tool, patent map, this research will realize the developing circumstance of the technology and the blanks of technologies (the developing trend of future) can also be found. Through interviewing the experts and anglicizing the questionnaire survey, this research will get the critical technologies, and discussing the relationship of characteristics and benefits by some statistically methods. Finally, this research provides the government some technology subsidization suggestions by the goal of promoting the knowledge circle, expecting to accelerate the creation and use of the technologies within construction industry and promote the sustained industrial competitive advantage.
Appears in Collections:Thesis

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