標題: 佈題方式與學習者特色對使用網路搜尋結果的影響
Effects of Item Design and Student Characteristics on Behavior of Using Internet Search Results
作者: 謝熹鈐
Hsieh, His-Chien
Sun, Chuen-Tsai
關鍵字: 同儕關係;情境佈題;促發效果;使用網路搜尋結果;peer relationship;situated question;priming effect;using internet search result
公開日期: 2010
摘要: 在浩如湮海的全球資訊網中,資訊的生產和變化遠非個人所能掌握,資訊搜尋是一個複雜的認知歷程,對於還在學習階段的學習者,如何在龐大的數位資源中選擇正確而適當的學習資訊是一大挑戰。而同儕不僅是青少年的重要他人,亦是學習的重要影響者。本研究從學習者使用搜尋結果行為著眼,選用其中的閱讀資訊與摘要資訊,以此探究對同儕關係重視的網路世代學習者,如何受人際關係的不同佈題方式,促發其在搜尋數學問題的使用搜尋結果行為。 本研究發現先問「人際關係問題」後問數學問題,能促發學習者在搜尋數學問題於使用搜尋結果中的「摘要搜尋結果」行為;而以人際關係故事情境佈題的數學問題,可以正向促發學習者在使用搜尋結果中的「閱讀搜尋結果」行為。所以人際關係佈題如預期的確實可以正向促發學習者在搜尋數學問題的使用搜尋結果行為。若將問題順序與故事情境佈題適當的並用,對於學習者的學習行為則有正向的促發效果。
In the area of world-wide information network, the production, change and usage of information cannot be easily mastered by people. Information searching is a very complicated cognitive skill. It is especially a big challenge for the learners who are still in study to judge and choose correct and proper learning information. Peers are the most important people for teenagers, and peers also affect their studies a lot. The starting point of this research is to investigate how the net generation who highly value their peer relationship use the search results to understand their interaction between peers and so as to change their behavior norms in searching math questions. This study shows that asking interpersonal questions before math questions is likely to result in benefiting the learners’ summarizing search results in searching math questions; in addition, the math questions plotted to set up an interpersonal scenario can increase the times of reading search results. We can then conclude that the situated questions can indeed increase the tendency in using the search engine to learn math questions as we expect. If we can properly set the order of the questions and use the situated questions well, it will show positive effect on learners’ searching and learning behaviors.


  1. 361902.pdf

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