標題: 專利侵權判決賠償金額影響因素之實證探討
An Empirical Study for Factors Influencing Patent Infringement Damages
作者: 陳哲賢
Chen, Jer-Shien
Ding, Cherng G.
關鍵字: 專利侵權判決賠償金額;起訴金額;囑託鑑定;法院地區;裁判書公開查詢系統;patent infringement damage;damages sued;expert testimony requested by court;court region;law and regulation retrieving system
公開日期: 2010
摘要: 本文研究專利侵權判決賠償金額影響因素,在實證資料的蒐集上以司法院裁判書公開查詢系統為獲取樣本資料來源,逐筆閱讀,刪除非關專利侵權的判決,及只有裁定案件,並只保留原告勝訴的案件,逐院檢視符合前述篩選條件的判決。以專利侵權判決賠償金額為依變數,依據損害賠償的法理以起訴的損害賠償金額為自變數;以不同地方法院,即法院別,與法院有無送請囑託鑑定,為調節變數。勝訴之起訴金額對勝訴之判賠金額解釋顯著且呈正向關係;勝訴之起訴金額對勝訴之判賠金額解釋中,法院有無囑託鑑定有調節效果,有囑託鑑定之案件,勝訴之判賠金額較無囑託鑑定之案件的金額為高;勝訴之起訴金額對勝訴之判賠金額解釋中,法院地區有調節效果,換言之,不同的地方法院有不同的結果。
In this thesis, we study factors influencing patent infringement damages, collect empirical data from law and regulation retrieving system of Judicial Yuan, read the data one-by-one, delete the judgment unrelated to patent infringement or the decree, only reserve the judgment plaintiff preferred, and check all the judgment suitable to the above conditions, court by court. The patent infringement damages is the dependent variable, the damages sued is the independent variable, and court region and expert testimony requested by court are the modulatory variables. In the judgment plaintiff preferred, the patent infringement damage is positive to the damages sued from statistics; under the relationship between the damages sued and the patent infringement damage, the expert testimony requested by court has modulatory effect and the patent infringement damage is higher in the above cases; and under the relationship between the damages sued and the patent infringement damage, the court region also has modulatory effect.
Appears in Collections:Thesis