标题: | 金融业顾客关系管理关键成功要素研究-探讨顾客满意度及忠诚度 The Key Success Factors of Customer Relationship Management on Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty |
作者: | 陈秀敏 Chen , Hsiu-Min 杨千 Yang, Chyan 管理学院经营管理学程 |
关键字: | 顾客关系管理;服务品质;顾客忠诚度;顾客满意度;金融服务业;Customer Relationship Management;Service quality;Customer Loyalty;Customer Satisfaction;Financial Service Industry |
公开日期: | 2010 |
摘要: | 本论文研制之目的旨在探讨当ECFA时代来临,当前金融环境的剧烈变化,且金融商品同质化的时代,全球经济进入大整合,想要提升银行的竞争力,传统的价格战已不足以应付,银行行销模式被迫转向非价格竞争,服务品质的提升与企业形象的建立来强化自身的竞争力,以达到顾客忠诚的目的。由于银行业利差不断缩小,大型企业贷款业务对银行利润的贡献率已不占绝对优势,使各金融机构必须维护忠诚客户,积极提高客户满意度,使其业务中的各种利差及非利差业务,以提高银行多元化收入,更强调以顾客关系建构金融服务业竞争优势的时代来临。台湾金融业服务业要维持既有顾客忠诚度已经不易,更不论开拓新客源;且随着金融全球化、顾客资讯来源增加,导致顾客需求呈现多样化及复杂化。 因此顾客关系及服务品质与顾客满意度及忠诚度成为了金融服务业所关心与努力的焦点。本研究以银行业为研究范围,并探讨金融服务业顾客关系管理的关键成功因素与服务品质、顾客满意度及忠诚度的关联路径为何,金融服务业如何做好顾客关系、并且拥有高度服务品质,答案不仅在于制式化的柜台服务流程或是一套顾客关系管理系统,而是在于灵活运用顾客关系策略,及不断改善服务流程,提高服务品质,极大化的满足顾客的需求,藉此提高顾客忠诚度。因此本研究,由文献探讨开始,首先探讨金融服务业与顾客关系、顾客关系定义、服务品质及服务品质定义,顾客满意度定义、顾客忠诚度定义,藉由顾客关系及服务品质探讨满意度及忠诚度的关联。 本研究采用PZB衡量服务品质的方式,修改成适合银行业的问卷,并运SAS10.0版本及Excel进行统计资料分析。目的在以顾客的观点探讨银行业顾客关系管理、服务品质、与顾客满意度与顾客忠诚度等变数之间的关联性,以提供银行业决策之参考。 Banks are forced to modify their price-cutting marketing strategy. Since it is hard for the financial institution to maintain customer relationships, it would be harder to cultivate new customers in Taiwan; Moreover, financial globalization and increasing information sources for customers lead to various and more complex consumer demands. Thus, banks are forced to upgrade their services and establish better corporate image to enforce customer satisfaction and loyalty, in hope which would enhance the total revenue including interest revenue and non- interest revenue. This study focuses on banks, and tries to get a better understanding of the relationship between key success factors, customer satisfaction and loyalty. This research stars from literature reviews which concentrate on financial service industry, customer relationship, service quality, customer satisfaction and customer loyalty, and then to find out the relationship between customer satisfaction and loyalty. PZB is employed as the measurement of service quality, the questionnaire is modified for banks, and SAS 10.0 and Excel are used to analyze data as well. The main purpose of this study is to find the relationships between customer relationship management in banking industry, service quality, customer satisfaction, and customer loyalty as references for banks. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/48814 |
显示于类别: | Thesis |