標題: 企業文件委外倉儲交易成本之研究--以C銀行為例
Analyzing the Transaction Cost of Business Document Outsourcing Storage:With A Case Study on C Bank
作者: 李志弘
關鍵字: 文件委外倉儲;交易成本;資源依賴;Document Outsourcing Storage;Transaction Cost;Resource Dependence
公開日期: 2011
摘要: 近年來由於都會區房價不斷攀升,企業開始思考如何有效精簡使用營運空間以降低其營運成本;再加上面對全球化與詭譎多變的競爭環境,企業逐步將非核心的業務進行外購或委外,以強化競爭優勢增進公司之績效與市場競爭力。而委外儼然己成為企業經營的重要趨勢,企業委外的內容也由資訊系統,延伸至市場行銷、維護保養、生產製造、後勤支援、文件委外倉儲等領域。本研究即以「交易成本」觀點,探討影響企業文件委外倉儲的因素,以及這些因素彼此間的關係,進而研擬出有效的文件委外倉儲決策架構。本研究發現:影響企業文件委外倉儲交易成本的因素為(1)業務類別(2)地區(3)保存年限(4)文件分類(5)使用頻率(6)內部資源,其中「地區別」、「保存年限」及「使用頻率」更為關鍵重要;而「內部資源」則為調節因素。
As the metropolitan area rising house prices in recent years, business began to think about how to effectively streamline the use of operating spaces to reduce its operating costs; coupled with the face of globalization and the ever-unpredictable competitive environment, business will gradually outsource non-core business or outsourcing in order to strengthen competitive advantage to enhance the company's performance and market competitiveness. Outsourcing seems to have become an important trend in business. The content of business outsourcing from the information system, extended to the marketing, maintenance, manufacturing, logistics support, document outsourcing storage and other fields. With the "transaction costs" view in this study, we can explore the impact of business document outsourcing storage factors, and the relationship between these factors and then develop an effective decision-making framework of business document outsourcing storage. Results show that: the impact of business document outsourcing storage factors are (1) business class (2)locality (3) Storage age limit (4) document classification (5) transfer pieces of frequency (6) internal resources, which "locality", "Storage age limit " and "transfer pieces of frequency" even more critical importance; and "internal resources" is a moderator.


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