標題: 營建企業電子化導入之投入效率與策略決策
Decision of Construction Enterprise E-Business Expenditure Strategy based on Input Efficiency
作者: 王重堯
Chong-Yao Wang
Ren-Jye Dzeng
關鍵字: 企業電子化;投入策略;效率;資料包絡分析;E-Business;input strategy;efficiency;data envelope analysis
公開日期: 2004
摘要: 為因應現今資訊化的環境,近年來營建業正逐步開始推廣電子化之導入,然目前國內營建業在電子化導入議題遭遇投入等管理問題,對營建產業電子化推動之發展造成影響,係因缺乏完整的投入策略模式所致。 本研究利用資料包絡分析法等工具,藉蒐集營建企業電子化導入的成本與績效等資訊,分析營建企業電子化導入之投入效率,嘗試規劃出適用於營建企業導入電子化之投入策略修正模式,協助營建企業透過投入與績效之修正有效提高電子化導入效率,增加電子化導入效益,並提升產業競爭力。 研究最主要的成果為營建產業主要企業電子化導入的投入策略修正模式,其中包含產業中主要企業的各項電子化效率目標、成本投入分配與績效目標的建議、以及企業電子化投入策略規劃的主要方針。管理階層可透過利用此一模式,提升企業內的電子化導入的效率,成果,以及管理品質。 關鍵字:企業電子化、投入策略、效率、資料包絡分析
Recently the construction industry has been gradually generalizing the E-Business implementation in response to the IT environment. However many domestic firms have encountered input and managing problems, which are ascribable to the lack of a sound strategic input model. By the adoption of ‘Data Envelope Aalysis’, this study analyzes the E-Business implementation cost, performance, and efficiency. With these analysis this study will build a model which can instruct a firm’s strategic input advices of E-Business implementing, including the adjustment and management of relative cost and performance, which help the improvement of implementation efficiency and benefits. The main effert of this study is to build a model of input efficiency and strategic advices of E-Business implementation in construction firms, including the allocation of cost, the managing goal of performance, and the strategic advices to each firm. By utilizing this model, the managers will be capable to manage their E-Business implementations very well. Keywords:E-Business implementation, input strategy, efficiency, Data Envelope Analysis
Appears in Collections:Thesis

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