標題: 應用手持式行動導覽裝置之遊客體驗設計評估研究:以新社商圈為例
Evaluating Mobile Navigation System in Shin-She from Tourist's Experience
作者: 黃雅蕙
Huang, Ya-Hui
Lin, Chong-Wey
關鍵字: 體驗;行動導覽;整合性科技接受模式;介面設計;人機互動;Experience;UTAUT
公開日期: 2011
摘要: 本研究以新社商圈為研究場域,新社商圈提供的手持式行動導覽服務(新社樂活嚮導)為研究標的,參與使用新社手持式行動導覽服務的遊客為研究對象,自2011年4月至2011年9月,為研究期間。研究方法主要採用量化問卷調查方法,輔以質化訪談,探究在旅遊服務模式中,遊客對於新科技的接受行為及其影響因素。研究結果如下:1.「績效期望」、「付出期望」、「社會影響」與「使用意願」存在正相關。2.「體驗者個人特質」、「旅遊經驗、動機與特性」、「科技經驗與介面互動」對「績效期望」、「付出期望」、「社會影響」、「促成環境」與「使用意願」達顯著影響。3.「績效期望」對使用意願的關連,女性比男性顯著。4.科技旅遊體驗的配套機制會影響「使用行為」。
ABSTRACT Shinshe is a small agricultural Hakka Township located in central Taiwan. Applying the UTAUT model, this research aims to understand Shinshe tourist’s acceptance of new technology, which is identified as a LBS touring service on smartphone, and to find indications for information system improvements. Based on a survey conducted from April to September 2011 with 841 samples, the research has following findings: 1. Performance expectancy, effort expectance, social influence and behavioral intention has positive correlation with tourist’s technology acceptance; 2. Tourist’s characteristics, travel experience, motivation and characteristics, interactiveness of ICT interface and previous experience of technology have significant impacts on tourist’s performance expectation, effort expectancy, social influence, environment materialization and behavioral intention; 3. The correlation of tourist’s performance expectation and behavioral intention is more significant on female than on male; 4. Tourist’s behavioral intention (adopting/using new technology) is affected by the physical service system of the technology.


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