Title: ELAS:結合Facebook之電腦輔助教學系統
ELAS : A computer assistant teaching system on Facebook
Authors: 張騰星
Chang, Teng-Hsin
Yuan, Shyan-Ming
Keywords: 合作學習;註解;臉書;社交學習;Collaborative learning;Annotation;Facebook;Social learning
Issue Date: 2010
Abstract: 隨著網路資源日益龐大與隨手可得,不論是透過電腦、PDA或手機,擁有豐富影音圖像與文字的全球資訊網(World Wide Web)已經成為人們學習相關資訊的重要來源之一。 近年來應用web2.0之社群網路服務網站興起,網路資源提供者與學習者之關係,已經由過往之單向提供學習資料與獨自透過網路學習新知,逐漸變更為藉由種種社群網站如Facebook 、myspace 、無名小站 等來得到想要學習資訊的來源。 老師透過網路進行教學活動,已是國內各級學校常見教學行為之一。但想要在上述社群服務網站進行教學活動,目前則較少有此類的功能。Facebook為目前最受歡迎的社群網站,且提供了可以開發內嵌其中應用程式的Open Graph API。故本論文針對協助老師於社群服務網站Facebook上架構課程,並結合DCS實驗室的註記系統MAXML,設計與開發出一套符合老師需求之輔助教學系統。
With the resource of network increasingly and readily available. WWW (World Wide Web) which have rich video、image and text has become an important source of people when they’re learning , either via computer、PDA or mobile phone. The web2.0 application of social networking services rise in recent years , the relationship between learning material providers and learners had change from provide learning material and learning knowledge along. They get the learning material from various social networking sites such as Facebook, myspace, Wretch gradually. It’s a common behavior that teacher teaching on the internet, but social networking sites doesn’t support teaching activities currently. Facebook is the most popular social networking site in the world, it provides Open Graph API for developer to develop their application embedded on Facebook. Therefore, this thesis aimed to develop a computer assistant system which achieve instructor’s requirement to assist them teaching on social networking service site - Facebook, and combined with DCSLab web annotation tool – MAXML.
Appears in Collections:Thesis