標題: 以累積經驗知識為目的之問題追蹤系統
Issue Tracking System for Knowledge Accumulation
作者: 李勝斌
Lee, Sheng-Pin
Huang, Shih-Kun
關鍵字: 問題追蹤;Issue Tracking
公開日期: 2012
摘要: 生產問題的控管,一直是現代產業的重要課題,在問題發生時所產生的便是損失,不論是有形的金錢或是無形的商譽,因此有效率的問題控管、追踪、處理便能有效地將損失降低。但另一方面,問題的解決也代表一個新的知識的產生,以目前的科技產業而言,同產業的競爭十分激烈,能力較好的人才往往是挖角的對象,如果企業內部對於自身的企業知識沒有良好的記錄,一旦人員流失,很容易造成知識的斷層,因此如何能有效地將經驗及知識記錄、整理、運用也成了十分重要的課題。 本論文研製之目的在於透過整合、修改軟體缺陷追踪系統(Bug Tracking System)、維基系統(Wiki)、行動裝置成為生產問題追踪系統,將生產上的問題有效率地追踪、記錄下來,並且易於將知識整理、運用,讓問題在發生時能夠有適當的參考,且於人員異動時,不會產生過大的知識斷層。另外透過改良統計製程管制 SPC( Statistical Process Control) 中的指標,建立問題處理能力指標,該指標可以找出問題處理時的瓶頸,改善人員處理問題的效率,減少企業因生產問題的損失。
Issue tracking is an important process in enterprise applications. It usually causes loss of money and reputations when issue occurs. If issue can be better controlled, solved, and tracked, the loss will be reduced. Nowadays, there is high job-change rate in high-tech industry because of competitions and human resource needs between corporations. Once the employee was off the job, the knowledge and experience won’t be preserved. It is therefore an important consideration to store, organize, and reuse knowledge of former employees. This research integrates the bug tracking system, wiki system, and mobile devices into a issue tracking system. This system is not only tracking and controlling issues efficiently but also easy to organize experiences into knowledge. This system will provide good reference data when the issues are resolved. On the other hand, the knowledge will still be preserved when the employee leaves the job because of the experience has been stored properly. This research also modified the SPC (Statistical Process Control) index to measure the issue solving capability. This index will help figure out the bottleneck of issue resolving process and reduce the cost.


  1. 953001.pdf

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