標題: 團隊遊戲學習與心流經驗對學習成效之探討-以國中數學為例
The Effects of Team Game-Based Learning and Flow Experience- Using Mathematic Course in Junior High School as Example
作者: 李賜玲
Li, Syh-Ling
Ming-Jiu Hwang
關鍵字: 遊戲學習;虛擬社群;心流經驗;Game-based Learning;Virtual Community;Flow Experience
公開日期: 2010
摘要: 本論文探討應用團隊遊戲學習系統是否能引發心流經驗因而促進學習的成效,研究是以國中數學的學習過程做為驗證。隨著網際網路及資訊科技普遍應用,數位化技術、資訊科技(IT)對學習的影響日益深遠,相較於傳統枯燥無趣的學習方式,應用新的IT技術輔助學習的時代已經來臨。因學習過程中是否能引發心流經驗對學習成效有很大的影響,所以能引發心流經驗的遊戲式的學習方式也漸漸受到重視。因此,我們在Fackbook平台上設計出一個「團隊遊戲學習系統」讓國中生來學習,藉以探討團隊遊戲學習的實質成果。然後,以「實驗研究法」與「問卷調查法」作為研究方法,以獲得實驗數據。實驗結果顯示,本研究設計在學習過程中讓學生更為專注、投入並忘卻時間,成功引發學生的心流經驗同時有效提升學習成效,尤其在中等程度特別想要學習、獲得鼓勵卻力不足的學生中特別顯著。由此,應用本研究所探討的合作式學習機制,除可加強學生對學校、學科領域及教師的親切感,也會讓學習更積極有趣,面對馬上到來的十二年國教,本研究可供教師們一個參考,善用團隊遊戲學習策略,可為學習另啓一扇”心”窗。
This study investigates the design of Team Game-based Learning system which can produce flow experience and enhance learning effectiveness. A trial study was conducted by mathematics learning in Junior High School. With the Internet and information technology are increasingly impact, the time of new learning age is coming. Because generating flow experiences during learning has a great influence on learning performance, a game-based learning system which can cause more flow experiences has gradually taken seriously. Therefore, based on such rationales, a "Team Game-based Learning” system, is implemented to explore the design and applications: flow experience model and learning performance. The results revealed that this system had higher flow experiences and performed better learning effectiveness than traditional learning.


  1. 954901.pdf

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