標題: 企業動態能力之實證分析與計算-應用於手機產業
Empirical Analysis and Measurement of Dynamic Capability - Applied in Handset Industry
作者: 吳宜靜
Wu, Yi-Ching
Kang, Jin-su
關鍵字: 動態能力計算;手機產業;競爭優勢;資源整合;資源重組;Dynamic Capability Measurement;Handset Industry;Competitive Advantage;Resource Integration;Resource Reconfiguration
公開日期: 2010
摘要: 本研究針對衡量企業之動態能力提出一分析架構。為完整體現企業之動態能力,此架構將包含三個分析構面,並分別列舉出其各別之關鍵影響因素。本研究亦將此分析架構實際運用於手機產業作探討,並特別針對公元2002年至2010間全球業界之八大主要手機製造商進行實證分析。由於手機產業之產業型態因消費者偏好之快速變化而瞬息萬變,此研究進一步依照手機類型之偏好變革,將研究期間再細分成三個子研究時期。經由本研究之實證分析及對個別公司企業動態能力予以量化之結果可論證,企業之動態能力與其績效之表現(市占率之變化量)大致相符。
This study proposes the framework to operationalize a firm’s dynamic capabilities. Three dimensions with related indicators are proposed to fully capture the meaning of dynamic capabilities used. This study applied the proposed model to a mobile handset industry, specifically with eight major handset manufacturers during 2002-2010. Since the mobile handset industry is highly dynamic according to fast change in consumers’ preference, the time period interested is divided into three periods based on major change in the preference of mobile handsets. The dynamic capabilities measured in this study are proven to be quite consistent with companies’ performance in the market, measured by market share change.
Appears in Collections:Thesis