Title: 新竹地區乾旱特性與水資源預警指標之研究
Study on Drought Characteristics and Water Resources Warning Index of Hsinchu Area
Authors: 劉秀容
Keh-Chia Yeh
Keywords: 模糊多屬性決策;乾旱特性;水資源預警指標;fuzzy multiple attribute decision making method;drought characteristics;the warning index of water resource
Issue Date: 2004
Abstract: 隨著全球氣候變異及暖化效應,導致天然乾旱頻率提高;此外,新水源開發不易且原水成本提高,對新竹地區用水調度之考驗日趨嚴峻,因此本計畫對前人研究成果作一有系統之整理,進行乾旱特性分析,藉對其乾旱特性之瞭解,作為建構適用於新竹地區水資源預警指標之考量因素,而新竹地區水資源預警指標是以模糊多屬性決策所建構而成的,期藉所得之成果,提供水資源緊急調配運用,減少乾旱所帶來之衝擊。
Because of the global climate change and warming effect, the frequency of the occurrence of drought seems to increase. In addition, the development of new water resources is getting difficult and the cost of raw water also increases. Hence, the water resources management in Hsinchn area is becoming a more difficult task. In this study, the previous study results were systematically reviewed. The drought characteristics in Hsinchn area are also analyzed. Making use of the drought characteristics of the warning index of water resource in Hsinchn in the test amount factor. The purpose of this study is to set up the warning index of water resource in Hsinchn using the fuzzy multiple attribute decision making method, and the results could provide the basic information for the water resources allocation during drought period and alleviate the impact due to the occurrence of drought.
Appears in Collections:Thesis

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