Title: 台灣外帶咖啡商業模式分析-以Cama咖啡為例
Coffe to-go business analysis in Taiwan-A Case Study of Cama Coffee
Authors: 田博允
Han, Anthony F.
Keywords: 外帶咖啡;商業模式;半結構式訪問;to-go coffee business;business model;semi-structured interview
Issue Date: 2010
Abstract: 摘要

西元2004年開始,統一集團籌畫六年的City Café進入外帶咖啡市場,在強大的物流跟通路支援之下,迅速的在市場上佔有重要的地位。而外帶市場上的後起之秀-Cama,在創辦人構思出創新的商業模式,把原本只有個性咖啡店強調的現烘咖啡變成連鎖店,為顧客帶來新的價值,在競爭激烈的台北市建立起十餘家的連鎖店並在上場上成功立足,一定有獨到之處。
本研究將以半結構式Fontana & Frey (1994)的問卷對Cama創辦人進行訪問並且以Osterwalder & Pigneur(2010)的商業模式架構進行分析,並且用同樣架構分析已經在市場有重要地位的City Café做為基礎去襯托後面進入市場的企業在創新價值跟商業模式設計上的重要性。


In the past two decades, with the economic situation in Taiwan improved, drinking coffee was not an exclusive privilege of wealthy people anymore. In 1998, Uni-President imported Starbuck coffee has lead the trend of drinking coffee to a peak. Each chain store dedicated to expand the stores. After 2000, the stores which focus on to-go coffee business started another trend in the coffee industry, E-coffee was the first mover in the beginning. Although E-coffee failed to survive in the market, the pricing strategy already set up by E-coffee.
In 2004, Uni-president after spending six years to developing city café has entered the industry. Under the strong logistic and channel supporting, City café established the position quickly. Moreover, the main research target-Cama, with the innovative business model and value proposition entered the market in Taipei. Under the competitive environment, Cama could enter market successfully is worth to do the research.
This research adopt the semi-structured interviews Fontana & Frey(1994)with the owner of Cama coffee. Then use the framework of Osterwalder & Pigneur(2010)to analyze the business model of Cama coffee. And use the same method to analyze City café as a base to show the importance of innovative business model and value proposition for the new company.

Keyword: to-go coffee business, business model, semi-structured interview
Appears in Collections:Thesis