標題: Stripe-geometry GaAs-InGaAs laser diode with back-side contact on silicon by epitaxial lift-off
作者: Fan, JC
Chen, KY
Lin, G
Lee, CP
Department of Electronics Engineering and Institute of Electronics
關鍵字: semiconductor junction lasers;epitaxial lift-off
公開日期: 5-六月-1997
摘要: The transfer of a preprocessed stripe-geometry GaAs-InGaAs laser diode film onto a Pd/Ge/Pd coated n(+)-Si substrate is reported with the backside contact on Si using epitaxial lifted-off (ELO) technology. The Pd/Ge/Pd metal layers provide ohmic contacts to both the Si substrate and the GaAs film, making vertical conduction through the Si substrate possible. No device degradation was observed after the ELO process and comparable results were obtained for the ELO laser diodes and the diodes without the ELO process.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/491
ISSN: 0013-5194
Volume: 33
Issue: 12
起始頁: 1095
結束頁: 1096


  1. 000072040800067.pdf

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