標題: 基於正逆向深度映射演算法下的稀疏多相機虛擬視點合成
Sparse Multi-Camera Virtual View Synthesis Using Forward and Backward Depth Warping Algorithms
作者: 李讀修
Li, Du-Hsiu
Hang, Hsueh-Ming
關鍵字: 立體電視系統;自由視點成像系統;景深圖式合成;遮蔽區域;景深;正向景深映射;3DTV;Free Viewpoint Television;Depth Image-Based Rendering;Occlusion;Depth;Forward Depth Warping
公開日期: 2011
摘要: 近年來,互動式多視角視頻 (Interactive Multiple View Video) 在多媒體領域上已經是一個熱門的研究方向之一。因為擁有廣泛應用的潛力、以及大量的市場需求,國際標準會議遂制訂立體視訊編碼 (Three-Dimension Video Coding,簡稱 3DVC) 相關的標準競賽。



Recently, multiview video technology receives a lot of attention. Because of its potential wide applications and large market, the so-called free-view system or virtual view system becomes a standardization item (3DVC) of the international MPEG committee.

The current focus of MPEG 3DVC project is on the parallel and dense camera array system. The distance between two nearby cameras is about of less than 10 cm. In contrast, our focus in this study is on the so-called sparse multi camera systems, of which the cameras are located farther away. Our target is to synthesize a virtual view based on the recorded sparse camera pictures. We first study the causes of the depth map artifacts produced in the process of forward warping. And then to reduce these artifacts and the artifacts in the texture image synthesized stage, we propose a few refinement tools described below.

Four techniques have been developed and presented in this thesis. They are depth map up-sampling, backward depth map warping, pyramid-based hole filling, and post artifact reduction. At the up-sampling stage, we find empirically that the duplicated interpolation produces better depth map as compared to the other interpolation methods. The ordinary forward warping produces many types of artifacts. We propose an instrumental backward warping algorithm on the depth map. It is able to reduce most artifacts in depth warping due to the more accurate geometric relations. The occlusion regions can be eliminated by using our proposed pyramid-based hole filling method. One of its nice features is that it can suppress the noise when filling in the occlusion area. Finally, with the aid of artifact reduction techniques, the synthesized virtual view is more vivid and natural.

All the above techniques have been tested on the test images captured by a set of sparsely located 3-camera array. The results show that every of them can prove visible subjective quality improvement on the synthesized virtual view images.


  1. 160901.pdf

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