標題: 動態可調程序混合式自動重傳控制機制
Dynamic Multi-processes HARQ Transmission Control
作者: 李庭軒
Li, Ting-Hsuan
Huang, Ching-Yao
關鍵字: 無線通訊;wireless;4G;HARQ
公開日期: 2012
摘要: 隨著行動通訊的發展,語音傳輸不再是手持裝置唯一的用途。資訊服務成為無線傳輸的要角,各式各樣雲端服務推陳出新,加上手持裝置的作業系統同時多工處理,不同的資訊交換在各自的應用軟體背景傳輸,舉凡載入網頁時又在下載APP,瀏覽的地圖的同時還有免費訊息通訊軟體使用中,亦或是網路連線遊戲都已經在手持式裝置上推出。此時單位時間的有效傳輸量就有更大的需求。現代無線通訊系統正在從3G語音導向的架構到4G以封包導向演進,因為單位時間的有效傳輸量越來越顯的重要,我們提出新的構想來降低在LTE/LTE-A (FDD) 中順序性傳輸對有效傳輸量的衝擊。
With the rapid development of wireless communication technology, cell phones are able to provide more and more services besides just making phone calls. More and more new applications come into life. For example, mobile on-line games, which may need low latency, and web browsing as well. Because users often need these services to run at the same time, multi-task technology may be needed to serve the demands, because it can provide high data throughput. In order to solve the above problems, we propose a new method to decrease the impact “in-sequence delivery” in LTE-A FDD system.


  1. 167501.pdf

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