標題: 使用模糊控制器來設計避障和防踏空之智慧型自走式機器人
Obstacle Avoidance and Anti-Fall for Intelligent Autonomous Robot Using Fuzzy Logic Controller
作者: 曾冠堯
關鍵字: 模糊邏輯控制;自走式機器人;障礙物閃避;防踏空;fuzzy logic control;autonomous robot;obstacle avoidance;anti-fall
公開日期: 2011
摘要: 本論文設計了一個模糊控制器,針對紅外線感測器所偵測到的障礙物距離,以及線感測器所感測到的地表坑洞,實現一個兼具閃避障礙物以及地表坑洞機器人避障方法。實驗中使用無線通訊系統與Arduino整合,並且透過此系統達成3pi 機器人的遠端監控與智慧型避障。此系統包含控制板-Arduino、無線模組-WiShield及3pi機器人、距離感測器、線感測器及μcam攝影鏡頭。 此系統主要分為兩大部分,第一部份是無線傳輸,Arduino透過SPI介面來溝通WiShield,藉由WiShield發射無線訊號以跟iPad做連結,透過iPad開發的操作窗口,對機器人進行無線控制,並且可以將機器人所拍攝到的影像傳回制iPad以達成遠端監控的功能。第二部分是以3pi機器人為核心的被控制體,此為本論文主要研究部分。藉由裝置在Arduino上的紅外線距離感測器與3pi機器人上的線感測器所得到的類比電壓值傳給Arduino,透過模糊控制得到避障指示,以完成行進間避障與坑洞的閃避,藉由此系統可以控制機器人行走在未知環境,透過影像得到環境概況,並且隨時偵測障礙物,若遇障礙物則自動避障,完成未知環境的探勘。
This thesis proposes the design of a Fuzzy Logic Controller. The implementation of obstacle avoidance and anti-fall is combine the IR distance sensors and line sensors with the fuzzy rule. The system includes a controller board-Arduino (with ATmega328 microcontroller mounted on it), a Wi-Fi module board-WiShield, 3pi robot and iPad(user interface). There are two parts in this system. First part: Arduino get connection with iPad by WiShield2.0. We can remote control 3pi robot and get the image from the camera through this communication. Second part: Arduino, the control kernel, which is the most important part of this thesis. The Arduino receives the analog voltage data from the IR sensors and line sensors. The Fuzzy controller uses the data to send the correct command for obstacle avoiding to the 3pi robot. And the camera transmits the image data immediately to the user interface. By using this system, we can control the robot in unknown areas, and explore those areas by the sensor fusion and Wi-Fi connection.
Appears in Collections:Thesis