標題: 具加速度時間延遲之飛彈的強健導引律設計
Robust Missile Guidance Law Design with Time Delay in Acceleration
作者: 馮仰靚
關鍵字: 導引律;順滑模控制;時間延遲;積分型順滑模控制;目標估測誤差;Guidance law;Sliding mode control;Time delay;Integral type sliding mode;Target estimation error
公開日期: 2011
摘要: 本論文探討結合積分型順滑模(integral type sliding mode)技術與傳統順滑模(sliding mode)技術於飛彈強健導引律設計之議題。本論文考量之不確定性干擾因素的來源包括有,目標估測誤差及因經過飛行控制系統而造成的加速度時間延遲。利用所設計之強健導引律可使閉迴路系統對目標估測誤差以及加速度時間延遲具有良好的補償效果。此外所提出之強健導引律可允許工程師針系統之性能要求設計無干擾系統(nominal system)的(最佳)導引律,使得包含時間延遲與估測誤差的系統(uncertain system)閉迴路狀態響應與無干擾系統閉迴路響應近似。最後經由模擬驗證證明此導引律可以達到期望的效能。
This paper studies the design of missile guidance law using the combination of SMC and ISMC technologies. The presented guidance law is shown to be able to compensate for the presence of uncertainty, including target estimation error, and time lag in acceleration caused by the flight control system. Besides, the presented scheme possesses a remarkable flexibility of allowing the engineer to select a desired guidance law for the nominal system (i.e., system without uncertainty and time delay) so that the state response of the overall uncertain time delay guidance system is close to that of the selected nominal closed-loop guidance system. Simulation results demonstrate the benefits of the presented scheme.


  1. 256401.pdf

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