Title: 設計與實驗驗證之 16 通道主動式腦波量測系統 使用彈簧式乾電極
Design and Verification of a 16-Channel Active Circuit System for EEG Signal Acquisition with Spring-loaded Dry Sensors
Authors: 陳柏維
Chen, Bo-Wei
Young, Ku-Young
Lin, Chin-Teng
Keywords: 腦電位圖;乾電極;主動式電路;穩態視覺刺激誘發電位;事件刺激誘發電位;EEG;Dry Sensor;Active circuit;SSVEP;ERP
Issue Date: 2012
Abstract: 腦機介面(Brain-Computer Interface, BCI)是一種可以溝通訊息介於大腦 與外在世界的工具。之前的研究著重於幫助失能者,輔助失能者與外界溝通或是 成為復健的管道。近年來,這項技術被廣泛研究以及大量應用在日常生活中。伴 隨著高度系統晶片(System on Chip, SOC)整合以及感測器的發展,無線可攜式 的裝置常見於腦機介面研究當中,可惜的是大部份的系統使用的是濕電極。隨著 使用時間拉長,導電膠逐漸乾涸並且效能降低,以及使用導電膠前需要對皮膚先 做處理,造成使用上的不便。 在這篇論文當中,我們嘗試設計一套可攜式無線傳輸主動式電路搭配乾式電 極。藉由主動式電極的優點提升乾電極的效能,進而可以在日常生活當中輔助一 般人提升生活品質。為了驗證這一整套系統,我們設計了總共五個實驗,包含兩 個常見的腦電位(Electroencephalography, EEG)實驗,並且與兩套系統做比較。 驗證系統性能並且與其他系統做深入比較。
The brain-computer interface (BCI) technique is one of a major method that provides a direct communication pathway between the brain and the external world by translating signals from brain activities into machine codes or commands. In recent years, the EEG-based BCI system was widely applied in daily life. In this thesis, we try to design a wireless transmission, portable, active circuit EEG signal acquisition system with dry sensors. The advantage of active circuit was used to improve the performance of using dry sensor. Normal people can also enjoy the convenience from BCIs in daily life by using this system. To verifying this system, we design five experiments, including two general EEG-based BCI experiments. In these experiments, two reference systems were used to comparing with this system, so that we can observe the performance of this system.
Appears in Collections:Thesis