標題: 在LTE系統下保證服務品質的非連續接收機制週期調整方法
A DRX Cycles Adjustment Scheme with QoS Guarantee in LTE System
作者: 施昌宏
Shih, Chung-Hung
Lee, Tsern-Huei
關鍵字: 非連續接收機制;封包延遲;能源消耗;DRX;packet delay;power consumption
公開日期: 2012
摘要: 在長期演進計畫(LTE)系統中,為了節省用戶端設備 (UE) 的耗電,使待機時間延長,系統使用了非連續接收機制 (DRX)。本論文中,我們將簡單介紹非連續接收機制並進一步利用突發性封包模型 (bursty packet traffic model) 來表現此機制的運作情形。對於不同流量的情況,我們藉由調整非連續傳輸機制週期 (DRX Cycles) 來加強節電效能。接著基於數學模型分析,探討非連續接收機制參數選取對於封包延遲的影響。最後透過模擬結果顯示利用此方法確實可以降低能源消耗並滿足封包延遲的要求以及如何在上述兩者之間權衡取捨。
In the Long Term Evolution (LTE) system, Discontinuous Reception (DRX) has been introduced for power saving to extend the battery life of the User Equipment (UE). In this thesis, we take an overview of the DRX mechanism and further analysis the mechanism with bursty packet traffic model. We propose a scheme for DRX Cycle adjustment to enhance the power saving performance in different traffic conditions. Based on the analytical model, effects of the DRX parameters on the packet delay performance are also investigated. Simulation results show that the scheme can reduce the power consumption with satisfying the packet delay requirement and a trade-off relationship between power saving and packet delay performance.

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