标题: 针对奈米级CMOS设计电路提出考虑导线效应和老化效应的统计型软性错误率分析的方法
Interconnect and Aging-aware Statistical Soft-Error-Rate Analysis for Nano-Scaled CMOS Designs
作者: 林玗璇
Lin, Yu-Hsuan
Wen, Hung-Pin
关键字: 软性错误;可靠度;老化效应;导线效应;负偏压温度不稳定性;soft error;reliability;aging effect;interconnect;NBTI
公开日期: 2012
摘要: 老化效应和导线效应以及软错误已经成为用于奈米级CMOS设计中三个最重要的可靠性问题。本篇提出老化效应中负偏压温度不稳定性(NBTI)对软性错误的影响,首先采用45nm CMOS技术针对单个元件或整个电路进行软错误分析。其次,导线效应也是造成90nm以下的制程技术造成电路中的软错误的原因,因此软性错误分析必须考虑导线效应的影响。最后,使用了考虑老化效应的模型或导线模型提出准确的统计软错误率(SSER)框架的构建。针对老化效应模型分析的部分,研究结果发现:(1)粒子打在PMOS产生的短暂错误与粒子打在NMOS产生的短暂错误相比,由于PMOS是更容易受到NBTI效应的影响,使得在PMOS产生的短暂错误及其脉冲宽度有更多的变化;(2)NBTI效应和制程变化同时考虑之下,导致更多的软性错误发生(〜19%),因此在电路分析中需要同时考虑NBTI效应和制程变化。另一方面,导线中的电容会使得软性错误率放大,所以导性效应也应该关注。实验结果说明,在考虑导线效应中电容的影响,以及考虑了制程变化下老化效应对软性错误的影响,我们的SSER框架与蒙地卡罗SPICE模拟相比,除了达到加速的效果,并实现了高精确度的估计(<3%的误差)。
Aging and interconnect as well as soft errors have become the three most critical reliability issues for nano-scaled CMOS designs. In this work, the aging effect due to negative bias temperature instability (NBTI) is first analyzed on cells using a 45nm CMOS technology for soft errors. Second, interconnect issue is also considered for soft errors in circuits at 90-nm technology and below. In the end, an accurate statistical soft-error-rate (SSER) framework is built and incorporates the aging-aware cell models or the wire models. As the result of aging-aware part, two findings are discovered: (1) PMOS-induced transient faults, comparing to NMOS-induced ones, have more variation in pulse widths since PMOS is more susceptible to NBTI; (2) NBTI together with process variation, induces more soft errors (~19%) and thus needs to be considered, simultaneously, during circuit analysis. On the other hand, the capacitance of wire amplifies soft error rate, so interconnect issue also should be concerned. Experimental result shows that our SSER framework not only considering capacitance of wire but also considering both process variation and aging is efficient (with multiple-order speedups) and achieves high accuracy (with <3% errors) when compared with Monte-Carlo SPICE simulation.