標題: 國際機場航站大廈空間分配及設施購置/汰換時程之研究
The Study on Space Allocation and Facility Purchase/Replace Schedule at International Passenger Terminals
作者: 趙清成
Ching-Cheg Chao
Chaug-Ing Hsu
關鍵字: 國際機場;旅客航站大廈;空間分配;設備汰換;動態規劃;服務水準;International Airport;Passenger Terminal;Space Allocation;Facility Replacement;Dynamic Programming;Level of Service
公開日期: 2004
摘要: 近來隨著國際機場逐漸朝向企業化經營並注重營運管理績效,如何增加收入並降低營運成本已成為機場管理重要課題。將航站大廈之空間作最有效分配,以增加機場商業活動收入;且配合機場旅客運量之變動,精確掌握各項設施最佳購置/汰換時程,除可降低營運成本提昇旅客服務品質外,並可避免因設備不足或故障而影響機場營運,此對航空轉運中心而言,將因市場競爭而顯得日益重要。然過去有關機場航站大廈空間配置之研究多偏重在公共設施空間方面,並以旅客流程和建築規劃為主要衡量因素,而未考量經濟因素及機場營運收入。 本研究在商業空間分配方法上,係綜合考量地租理論、機場整體經濟效益,分析不同商業空間之特許費收入、不同性質之旅客對各項商業活動需求量及旅客在航站大廈受時空限制下之可及性等因素,並建立商店之總營業額及特許費、旅客可從事消費活動之時間及人數等數學式;另在不同旅客服務水準下,以商店特許費收入最大為目標,構建各項商業空間分配之數學規劃模式。研究結果可規劃在不同運量下,每種商店之最適面積;為使機場特許費達到最大,公共設施應採用之服務等級隨運量成長逐漸降低。而商業活動空間與公共設施空間之最適比例隨服務等級下降而增加,此結果提供給慣於將商業活動與公共設施面積設為同ㄧ比例之機場設計者參考。 為掌握精確之設備購置/汰換時程,以確保機場正常運作並降低營運成本,本研究綜合考量設備總成本、機場飛航安全、服務品質及財政收支等目標,並應用動態規劃構建國際機場航站大廈出境多設施購置/汰換時程之決策模式。為反應各時程不同設備各項成本之變動,本研究依旅客量、設備可靠度及利用率,建立各設施之運轉、維護及延遲等成本函數。延遲成本分為班機延遲起飛賠償旅客之等候時間成本,還有補償旅客用餐及住宿與行程延誤等費用。最後,以中正國際機場出境設施為實例分析,研究結果顯示機械類設備之維護成本隨可靠度降低而遞增之速度大於電子類,而作業時間較長之設備其故障延遲成本隨可靠度降低而遞增之速度大於作業時間較短者。當旅客量等於設備處理量,則報到及證照查驗櫃檯最佳使用年限分別為九年及八年,應用本研究構建之模式可降低機場營運成本提昇設施管理績效。
There is an increasing trend that international airports are operating in a competitive, market-driven environment and in self-financing manner. Therefore, how to effectively allocate airport terminal-building space to maximize the revenues from a host of commercial activities through concession lease has become an important issue. This study explores the relationships among concession revenue, passenger service level and space allocation for public facilities and commercial activities at international airport passenger terminals. Terminal space allocation models are then constructed to allocate the optimal amount of space for a variety of stores at different locations and for public facilities. The results show that the optimal amount of floor space for different types of stores and public facilities changes under different passenger volumes and service levels. The required commercial space is not the same and its ratio to the space of public facilities is also different with respect to different public facility service levels. The ratio increases with the reduction of the service level of public facility, and this result provides as a new reference for airport designers who used to adopt the same ratio without further considering changes in the service level of public facility. This study formulates a dynamic programming model to determine the optimal facility purchase and replacement scheduling by considering facility renewal costs, aviation safety, passenger service level, and airport finance. Then, this study constructs various cost functions on facility depreciation, operation, maintenance and delay for different facilities at different time stages according to passenger volume, reliability and utilization so as to reflect variation in those costs. The results show that maintenance cost for mechanical equipment increases in a higher rate than that for electronic equipments as equipment reliability decreases. And equipments of longer operating time also incur higher delay costs than those of shorter operating time as equipment reliability declines. The optimal service life of check-in and immigration counters are shown to be 9 and 8 year, respectively, for the same passenger flows. This study provides the airport authority with the optimal strategic decisions on the purchase and replacement of various facilities in terms of quantities and timing.
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