標題: 升溫速率與持溫時間對超細晶粒AZ80鎂合金半固態顯微結構之影響
Study on the effect of heating rate and holding time on the microstructure of ultra-fine grain magnesium in the semi-solid state
作者: 曹植培
Chou, Chek-Pui
Hsu, Ray-Quen
關鍵字: 鎂合金;半固態成形;升溫速率;持溫時間;Magnesium;Semi-Solid forming;heating rate;holding time
公開日期: 2012
摘要: 鎂合金具有質輕、比強度高等優點,但在室溫下其成形性不佳,以致它在應用上不如鋁合金廣泛。半固態成形是在固液相共存時進行加工的成形技術,比起傳統鑄造法,半固態成形可製作出機械性質良好的工件,適合應用於鎂合金。
Magnesium alloy has many advantages, such as light weight, high specific strength, but its formability is limited under room temperature, so that it is not used widely as aluminum alloy. Semi-solid forging and casting is a low cost process that can be used in magnesium forming, it can make good products, this process need the billets that have spherical grains while they are heated to semi-solid temperature for forming.
In this study, the microstructure evolution influenced by holding temperature, heating rate and holding time were studied, ultra-fine grain AZ80 produced by ECAE (Equal Channel Angular Extrusion) was compare with As Extrude AZ80 in semi-solid state. In this study, we used the high frequency induction heating to provide a fast heating rate. And observe the microstructure evolution in the heating and temperature holding process after quenching.
The result showed that holding temperature had great effect on grain size in semi-solid state; smaller grain size and more circular spherical grain shape were benefit for semi-solid forming. ECAE AZ80 was a better choice for semi-solid forming than As Extrude AZ80 as billet material.
Appears in Collections:Thesis

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