標題: 以摻雜小分子感光物製作寬波長感測範圍之有機光偵測器
Small Molecule Sensitizers in Polymer Photodetectors for Extended Spectral Response
作者: 林辰崴
Lin, Chen-Wei
Chen, Fang-Chung
Tien, Chung-Hao
關鍵字: 有機光偵測器;寬波長;感光聚合物;電荷阻擋層;Organic photodetector;Extended spectral response;Sensitizer;charge blocking layer
公開日期: 2012
摘要: 在本研究,我們藉甫單純的加入一個小分子近紅外光的感光物質於有機光偵測器中,可大幅提升元件於600至750nm波段的外部量子效率,最大可從50%提升至60%。而在加入這個近紅外光的摻雜物後,因為此物質的低能階特性,導致元件在加上負向偏壓時,暗電流會明顯的增加,而我們發現在加入一層電荷阻擋層後,可以有效地降低漏電流,因此,光偵測度可有效的提升至1.21*1011 Jones。總而言之,我們本篇論文提出了一個簡單的架構,可以有效的延伸光偵測器所偵測的波長範圍,並且提高光偵測器的偵測度。
In the work, we have developed organic photodetectors (OPDs) with extended spectral range simply through adding a near-infrared (NIR) small molecular sensitizer. The maximum external quantum efficiency of the OPD could be improved from 50% to 60% after the addition of the NIR dopants. Although the lower energy gap of the NIR dopants led to an increased dark current, we found that the incorporation of one additional charge blocking layer could inhibit the leakage current. As a result, a high detectivity of 1.21*1011 Jones could be obtained. Overall, the approach reported in the work offers one simple device preparation scheme for extending spectral range in OPDs.
Appears in Collections:Thesis