標題: 下一代被動式光纖網路之研究
Studies of Next Generation Passive Optical Network
作者: 林彥希
Lin, Yen-Hsi
Chow, Chiw-Wai
Lin, Chin-Lon
關鍵字: 被動光網路;保護型被動光網路;光纖傳輸微波;能量消耗;PON;Protection PON;RoF;Power consumption
公開日期: 2011
摘要: 第一章,先介紹論文中探討到的光纖通訊系統在現今的相關應用,介紹被動式光纖網路,射頻光纖傳輸以及乙太網路及。第二章裡我們提出兩種自我修復的被動式光纖網路系統分別說明其運作原理以及實驗結果,並計算及可靠度並與其他保護系統做比較。第三章中,我們使用振幅調變來傳輸高資料速率的用戶信號以及無線射頻訊號,文章中我們說明並解釋系統能夠提高頻寬使用效率以及如何在眼圖重疊下仍然能夠解調。第四章,我們以現今乙太網路為基礎架構,比較未來使用40Gb/s 的被動式光纖網路的設備及能量消耗,說明在未來40Gb/s的傳輸速率下,能量消耗對傳輸速率的效率是越高的。最後一章則包含了總結以及未來方向。
In my thesis, we had studied three issues which are significant for passive optical network (PON). They are protection PON, radio over fiber and the power consumption respectively. In the chapter two, we propose two self-healing fiber protection PON and show up our scheme and the experiment result. We also calculate the reliability and compare it with other protection system. In the chapter three, we use three Mach-Zehnder modulators to create the optical wire and wireless signal with a high spatial efficiency, explaining the principle of our architecture and how we demodulate the signal with the arranged eye diagram. In chapter four, based on the Ethernet PON, we do the power consumption simulation about the future 40Gb/s PON transmission and calculate the power consumption. The final chapter is my conclusion and the future work.


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