標題: 構架側推分析行為探討
Behavior of Pushover Analysis of Frame
作者: 賴志瑜
Lai, Zhi-Yu
Lin, Chang-Yu
關鍵字: 側推分析;塑性鉸;OpenSees;Pushover;Plastic Hinge;OpenSees
公開日期: 2012
摘要: 本研究藉由OpenSees分析軟體探討構架側推分析基本力學行為。主要以RC構架為例,依照國家地震工程研究中心建議塑性鉸之定義,進行RC構架受側向水平載重時之側推分析。
進行側推分析在OpenSees上採用集中塑性模型,塑性鉸視為長度為零的彎矩彈簧。模型驗證採用懸臂梁和1x1 Frame進行側推分析,並以基本力學公式與結構分析做其驗證,由分析結果與力學行為之驗證,可知模型之模擬有其參考價值。
最後,以1x1、2x1與2x8 Frame進行實例探討考慮實際RC構架樑柱接頭之剛性行為,進行側推分析,並與ETABS套裝軟體進行驗證與比較。由結果可知OpenSees與ETABS在極限點前行為一致,但在極限點後,OpenSees停止分析,ETABS容量曲線產生下降端。
The study is to explore the fundamental mechanical behavior on pushover analysis of frame by using the finite element software OpenSees. Taking RC frames as examples subjected to lateral horizontal load, with the definition of plastic hinge as recommended by National Center for Research on Earthquake Engineering.
Pushover analysis on OpenSees is proceed by considering the plastic hinge as zero in length of rotational spring and use of concentrated plasticity model. Model validation is by cantilever and 1x1 frame to conduct pushover analysis. Moreover, it is verified by basic mechanical formula and structural analysis and it can be seen as the value of reference with the results of the simulation on mechanical behavior of structural analysis.
Finally, conduct the practical discussion on RC framework of beam-column joint of rigid zone through 1x1, 2x1, 2x8 frames and pushover analysis to compare with ETABS software packages. According to the results, it is consistent up to the ultimate point on OpenSees and ETABS; but over the ultimate point, OpenSees stopped and capacity curve from ETABS decreased.


  1. 651401.pdf

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