Title: 市地重劃統包工程遲延之分析探討
A Study of Construction Delay for Turnkey Project of Urban Land Readjustment
Authors: 呂啟申
Keywords: 重劃工程;統包工程;業主協力義務;共同遲延;工程遲延分析;Urban land readjustment;Turnkey contract;Owner's cooperative obligation;Concurrent delay;Construction delay analysis techniques
Issue Date: 2012
Abstract: 國內公共工程展延屢見不鮮,公共工程展延爭議更是目前實務界經常發生的工程爭議之一。本文以市地重劃統包工程因業主協力義務之用地遲延交付,造成用地取得工期之展延,探討工期展延浮時所有權及共同遲延爭議。過去學界結合工程進度學理與工程法律知識探討並不多見,尤其面臨日趨複雜之工程環境,法院實務經常會面臨浮時所有權及共同遲延爭議,其責任判斷更加複雜,故經常必須借助專家進行鑑定。   本研究利用各種遲延分析方法於本研究案例以探討其適用情況,同時藉由問卷分析市地重劃統包工程遲延的主要因素,最後探討重劃工程於統包契約之適用性及浮時所有權,以期建立一個可以參考的處理方式解決市地重劃統包工程進度遲延所造成之責任歸屬爭議。
The delay-dispute issue is one of the most common problems in public building construction. This study focuses on the turnkey project of urban land readjustment, and the dispute of concurrent delay and ownership of float caused by the owner's cooperative obligation of obtaining land. In the past, there was seldom study which combines construction progress theory and law to discuss the delay-dispute issue. Now, the engineering project has been more complex than before. Therefore the court confronts the dispute of concurrent delay and ownership of float more and more. Since the apportionment of responsibilities of concurrent delay to the owner and the contractor is a difficult task, the court usually trusts the professionals to review and estimate. This study uses construction delay analysis techniques to analyze the reality case and verify the applicability of all techniques. This study also uses questionnaire to analyze the crucial delay factors of the turnkey project of urban land readjustment.
Appears in Collections:Thesis