标题: 应用二维经验模态分解消除水域影像日光返照
Sun Glint Removal from Water Area Image using Bidirectional Empirical Mode Decomposition
作者: 施伶蒨
Shih, Ling-Chien
关键字: 日光返照;双向反射分布函数;MODO软体;白平衡;去雾处理;HSV色彩空间;二维经验模态分解;峰值讯号杂讯比;结构相似性指标;Sun glint;BRDF;MODO;white balancing;dehazing;HSV color space;BEMD;PSNR;SSIM
公开日期: 2011
摘要: 水域的航空遥测影像容易因为水面对太阳辐射的镜面反射而造成日光返照,因而造成影像资讯损失,影响影像之制图及解读,本研究尝试分析日光返照形成之原理,并使用能量传输解析与影像处理方法测试减低日光返照之影响。
读取测试影像所得为影像灰度值,无法转换至辐射值,即使使用Cox and Munk (1954) 模型及MODO软体得到之传输量及光源辐射值,亦无法进行辐射值改正;影像拍摄当时海表面模型未知,所计算之传输量无法符合每个点位之差异,难以进行日光返照之改正。因此先尝试从影像色彩不均及资讯损失之补偿方法着手,使用白平衡及去雾处理两种影像处理方法进行测试,测试结果发现日光返照区域有过度增显情形,范围增大且亮度夸张化。但若将日光返照区域视为亮度特征,把影像RGB色彩空间转为HSV色彩空间后,以亮度进行二维经验模态分解,发现原始影像减去模拟影像之残余项与日光返照之范围与特征相当,将其视为杂讯后去除后得到之影像,可以有效改善了日光返照之影响。
When taking aerial photography images on sea area at daytime, the sea surface reflection of solar radiation cause the sun glint. It will cause the loss of image information, even continuous images stitching. In this paper bring up the definition of sun glint, and use the radiation transfer analysis and image processing methods for testing.
We readed images to get digital numbers, but we can’t transfer it to radiance.Even we use Cox and Munk (1954) Model and MODO to get the transmittance and solar radiance, we still can’t correct the radiance.There was no models of sea surface when shooting images,the transmittance we calculated can’t apply for every point of surface, it can’t be used to correct sun glint. For the uneven image colors and the loss of image information, using white balancing and dehazing for testing, the results found sun glint region increased significantly, increase the range and brightness exaggerated. If sun glint area can be regarded as the brightness characteristics and allowed images from RGB color space into HSV color space, the Value processed with Bidimensional Empirical Mode Decomposition(BEMD), and found that the region and characteristics of residual with sun glint of origin images are the same, and removed the residual. That results can found that BEMD really improve the sun glint.
The Mean value, Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) , Peak Signal to Noise Ratio(PSNR), and Structural Similarity (SSIM), which are the statistical indicators calculated for results, and these indicators compared with the naked eyes, and finally make conclusions and suggestions.


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