標題: 飛牛頓數量級的力解析法
Femto-Newton Level Force Analysis
作者: 趙軒毫
Chao, Hsuan-Hao
Hsu, Long
關鍵字: 飛牛頓;熱擾極限;躍遷頻率;femto-Newton;transition rate;Kramers theory;thermal noise
公開日期: 2011
摘要: 細胞力是分子級作用力,通常都非常微弱。在量測超微弱作用力的研究中,主要有三種顯微術:分別為原子力顯微術、雷射鑷夾顯微術、磁鑷夾顯微術。這些顯微術所對應的作用力測量範圍分別為:1.0 皮牛頓(pN)、0.1~150.0 皮牛頓、0.01~100.0 皮牛頓;其解析極限主要受限於生物環境中水溶液的熱擾布朗運動。本研究乃利用熱擾的隨機特性,根據Kramers理論,發展出一套突破熱擾極限的超微弱作用力測量技術,其解析度至少可達4×〖10〗^(-3) 皮牛頓。
Cellular force is on the molecular level which is ultra-weak interaction. In the researches of cellular force microscopy, there are numbers of force measuring techniques different in force ranges. The most prominent ones are atomic force microscopy, optical tweezers and magnetic tweezers. Their force measurement ranges are 1 pN, 0.1~150 pN and 0.01~100 pN, respectively. In the biological medium environments, the force measuring resolution is limited because of the thermal Brownian motion disturbance. However, we utilize the thermal disturbance and Kramers’ theory to establish a novel ultra-weak force measurement technique. The force resolution is 4 fN and the force measurement is beyond the thermal noise limit.