標題: 企業組織能力對於員工生產力與留職意願的影響-以員工滿意度為中介變數
The Effects of Organizational Capabilities on Employee Productivity and Retention - The Mediating Role of Employee Satisfaction
作者: 鍾存昱
Chung, Tsun-Yu
Chu, Po-Young
關鍵字: 組織能力;員工滿意度;員工生產力;員工留職意願;Organizational Capability;Employee Satisfaction;Employee Productivity;Employee Retention
公開日期: 2011
摘要: 在高度競爭的經營環境下,光憑成本領導、利基市場與差異化的策略已難以維持企業長久之競爭優勢。企業應重新思考如何發揮「人」的競爭力,唯有妥善運用人力資源,才能創造可持續之競爭優勢。本研究主旨在於探討企業之組織能力、員工滿意度與員工表現之間的關係。其核心議題在於回答「員工滿意度究竟是企業的營運成本?利潤分攤?還是價值創造?」本研究採用問卷研究方法,以便利抽樣的方式於網路及國立交通大學管理學院各系所之碩士在職專班及EMBA發放402份問卷,有效樣本數共353個。本研究之結果發現,員工滿意度對於員工生產力及留職意願有正向影響。同時,透過組織能力的建構,企業能夠同時提升員工滿意度、生產力及留職意願。此外,員工滿意度在企業組織能力與員工表現間具有中介效果。
In today’s highly competitive business milieu, using traditional means, such as economic scales, strategic position, and technology capabilities, to build corporate long-term competitive advantages are still necessary, yet insufficient. Companies must rethink how to empower its employees to create sustainable competitive advantages. This research explores the relationships between organizational capability, employee satisfaction, and employee performance, trying to answer a key question, “what dose employee satisfaction mean to a company ― operating cost? profit distribution? or value creation?” Questionnaires were designed and distributed via online survey website and to professional MBA and Executive MBA students of National Chiao Tung University, to collect 353 valid samples. The empirical result shows that an enterprise can enhance the level of employee satisfaction and performance simultaneously through its organizational capability. Besides, the result also indicates that employee satisfaction mediates the relationship between organizational capability and employee performance.
Appears in Collections:Thesis