標題: 產品名稱複雜性對產品態度與購買意願的影響
The Effects of Product Name Complexity on Product Attitude and Purchase Intention
作者: 程怡樺
Hwang, Jen-Hung
關鍵字: 產品名稱;複雜性;高科技產品;認知需求;產品態度;購買意願;Product name;Complexity;High-Tech Product;Need for Cognition;Product Attitude;Purchase Intention
公開日期: 2011
摘要: 名稱的好壞決定產品的第一印象,過去有許多有關於品牌名稱的研究,產品的命名卻鮮少人注意,如今隨著企業產品愈來越多元化,為產品命名已經越來越普遍,因為產品名稱不論是對於公司本身或者消費者都是一個重要的辨識工具。而為產品取名時,是否能從銷售對象的角度去思考,是命名成功與否的關鍵。過去在面對高科技產品時,總會感覺這些產品是那麼地令人難以親近,而近來越來越多企業意識到高科技產業的競爭不再只是比「規格」和「技術」,而是比如何「掌握消費者情緒」。 本研究探討複雜及簡單的產品名稱對於產品態度及購買意願的影響,另外在不同認知需求(高/低)下或不同科技程度產品(高科技/低科技)下,簡單及複雜的產品名稱對於產品態度及購買意願是否有所改變。本研究主要結論有以下幾項: 1.產品名稱複雜性對消費者產品態度有顯著影響而對購買意願則無顯著影響,簡單的產品名稱對消費者產品態度有顯著正向的影響,然而簡單的產品名稱對購買意願的正向顯著影響卻不顯著。 2.不同科技程度的產品與產品名稱複雜性不會對產品態度及購買意願產生顯著的影響。在高科技產品或低科技產品下,產品名稱複雜性對於產品態度及購買意願都沒有顯著的差異。 3.消費認知需求與產品名稱複雜性對於消費者產品態度有顯著影響而對購買意願無顯著影響。在認知需求低的消費者,簡單的產品名稱相較於複雜的產品名稱有顯著較高的產品態度而購買意願則不顯著。
A name which is good or bad decided the first impression of a product. There are many studies about brand name but less about product name in past. As an enterprise has more products, to name a product is more common than before. The product name is an important tool to identify a product, not only for business but also for consumer. When a company names a product, whether it can think from the perspective of consumer is a key point to name a product successfully. In the past, high-tech product always makes people hard to understand and close and now more and more company aware that their competition is no longer just focus on the "specifications" and "technical level" but how to catch the consumer’s mind." This research investigated the impact of complex and simple product name on product attitude and purchase intention of consumer. In addition, this study discuss the impact has any change in the different need for cognition (high/low) or different technology level of product (high-tech / low-tech). The main conclusions of this study are the following: 1.The effect of product name complexity on product attitude is significant but purchase intention is not. A simple product name has a positive influence on product attitude significantly, but the positive influence on purchase intention is not significant. 2.Under different technology level of product and product name complexity, the effect on product attitude and purchase intention of consumer is neither significant. The effect has no difference between high-tech and low-tech product. 3.Under different level of need for cognition, product name complexity has different influence on product attitude, but purchase intention has no difference between the consumers who has low or high need for cognition. When the need for cognition is low, a simple product name has higher product attitude than a complex product name significantly, but the positive influence on purchase intention is not significant.