Title: Facebook打卡訊息的口碑傳播效果─以餐廳打卡為例
A Study on the Effect of Word-of-Mouth by Facebook Check-in Message :An Restaurant analysis
Authors: 莊偉鑫
Huang, Jen-Hung
Keywords: 臉書;口碑;專業度;關係強度;Facebook;word of mouth;expertise;tie strength
Issue Date: 2011
Abstract: 今日關於口碑的研究已相當成熟,但是隨著網際網路所提供的服務越來越多元,人們的使用習慣也漸漸改變,資訊的傳播也同時出現〝質〞與〝量〞的變化。隨著網路社群媒體的興起,使得我們對於此一領域的網路口碑研究日益迫切。本研究以Facebook於餐廳的打卡訊息之口碑傳播進行分析,以關係強度與接收者專業度為干擾變數,探討打卡者專業度對訊息接收者造成之口碑說服效果的影響。運用階層迴歸分析結果證實,Facebook打卡者的專業度對於口碑說服效果有正面的影響,且會受到關係強度的負向干擾效果,但是對於接收者專業度所造成的負向干擾效果則較弱。最後本研究提出一些建言,提供企業制定行銷策略以及後續相關研究的參考。
It is already quite mature on the research of word-of-mouth, but with the Internet services provided by more and more diverse, the use of people’s habits have changed, the dissemination of information also changes in the quality and quantity. With the rise of the Internet Social Media, we are interested in this new online word-of-mouth area. This study discusses the word-of-mouth persuasive effect by Facebook check-in function to influence on the receiver. To analyze check-in message sender’s expertise influence on the persuasive effect. We also discussed the tie strength of sender and receiver and message receiver’s expertise as moderators on persuasive effect. By Hierarchical Regression Analysis discovered that sender’s expertise would significant influence on the persuasive effect. In addition, tie strength play a moderator role between sender’s expertise and persuasive effect, but receiver’s expertise are relatively weak. The paper also reveals managerial implications and avenues for business and future research.
Appears in Collections:Thesis