Title: 利用公車動態資訊系統產製站位班表之研究
The study of bus arrival time based on the data collected from APTS
Authors: 陳聿汶
Keywords: 公車動態資訊系統;大眾運輸;站位班表;bus information system;public transit;bus arrival schedule
Issue Date: 2011
Abstract: 近年來為提昇大眾運輸系統的使用率,許多地區都投入不少資源建置公車動態資訊系統,尤其是透過所謂的智慧型站牌提供公車預估到站時間。然而智慧型站牌的建置與維運都需要投入相當的資源,全面的推廣幾乎是難以達成。本研究認為在交通擁擠較不嚴重的地區,由於車輛行駛時間較容易估算,因此在每座站牌上提供事先計算好的時刻表,也同樣可以達成減少等候時間的目的。本研究提出一套有系統的方法,利用公車動態資訊系統所回傳的歷史資料,可以產製出路線上每個站位的班表。本研究同時建議可以採行一些管理方式,略微調整駕駛行為,可以讓所產生的站位班表更為可靠。本研究利用台中市的實際資料進行測試,結果顯示以本研究所提出的方法,配合相關的管理方案,可以在可接受的範圍內,產製實務上可行的站位班表。
Advanced Public Transportation Systems are usually adopted as a mean to promote the usage of public transit in many areas. Many cities build “smart bus stops” to provide the real time arrival time estimation. However, these smart bus stops consume signify amount of resources to build and to maintain, which result in the difficulty of widely implementation of this kind of bus stops. We believe a more practical way is to provide a pre-generated bus arrival schedule on each bus stop especially in the area where traffic jams are not too serious. We propose a systematic way of generation such arrival time schedule plus several suggestions of adjusting drivers’ behaviors. We test our method on Taichung City and results are promising and proved to be practical.
Appears in Collections:Thesis