Title: 背光滑鼠瑕疵機器視覺檢測系統
Backlit Mouse Defect Inspection Using Machine Vision
Authors: 陳柏安
Chen, Po-An
Perng, Der-Baau
Keywords: 背光滑鼠;機器視覺;自動光學檢測;瑕疵檢測;backlit mouse;machine vision;automated optical inspection;defect inspection
Issue Date: 2011
Abstract: 近年來隨著個人電腦的普及,電腦周邊產品也隨之蓬勃發展,製造商為了加強競爭優勢,因此致力於研發以消費者市場為導向之新一代電腦周邊產品。以普遍使用的電腦周邊產品滑鼠為例,新一代的滑鼠擁有背光圖騰設計,其背光區塊可能於製程中不可預期的因素,產生瑕疵。目前業界以人工方式進行背光區塊之圖騰檢驗,耗時、成本高、檢驗成效又不穩定;有鑑於此,本研究針對其常見之
Mouse is one of computer peripheral products that have widely been used. To enhance the competitive advantage, manufacturers need to develop the consum-er-oriented mouse. A new generation of mouse with the backlit patterns has been is-sued to attract the gamers. However, the backlit mouse might have the defect after producing or assembly. The common defects include (1) incorrect illuminating area, (2) crack, (3) fragment, and (4) incorrect LED color saturation. Traditionally, the manufacturers still use human inspection which might be time-consuming, high labor cost, and unstable testing results.
This research is to develop an auto-inspection system which can inspect the mentioned defect of the backlit mouse and replace the human inspection. The pro-posed system consists of a training phase and a testing phase. The training phase is to train the upper control limit (UCL) and the lower control limit (LCL) of each corresponding defect type from a number of standard images. Then the defect fea-tures of the to-be-inspected images was extracted and checked whether by the proposed method in the testing phase. Experimentation results revealed that the proposed system can inspect the four defective types for the backlit mouse effectively and robustly.
Appears in Collections:Thesis