標題: 利用社會代言推薦之目標式廣告擴散機制
A Social Endorsing Mechanism for Diffusing Target Advertisement
作者: 吳文翔
Wu, Wen-Hsiang
Li, Yung-Ming
關鍵字: 社群代言人;擴散機制;目標式廣告;社群媒體;Social endorsement;Diffusion mechanism;Target advertising;Social media
公開日期: 2011
摘要: 社群媒體由於被越來越多的人開始利用於通訊與資訊的分享,而在現代人的日常生活中佔有一席之地。這樣一個後起與公開的通訊平臺也吸引企業以它進行行銷等活動。如何將促銷廣告傳遞給合適的顧客成為此新興媒體尤其重要的議題。 本研究提出一個代言人型態的傳播機制,其在考慮使用者偏好、影響力與傳遞能力等因素下,增進對目標型廣告的效率與效果。在針對特定廣告的目標客群的情形下,將藉由找尋合適的代言人來提高目標客群收到廣告的成功率。本研究結果則顯示社會代言機制可以適切地提升並平衡滿意度與覆蓋率。
When more and more people start to use the social media in communicating and sharing information, it does play an important role in human’s daily life. As a new and open communicating platform, social media also attracts companies to conduct marketing and commercial activities on it. In particular, how to effectively utilize this new media for distributing promotional advertisements to suitable customers is an important issue. In this research, an endorser based diffusion mechanism, which considers the factors of preference, influence, and diffusion power of users, is proposed to enhance efficient and effective target advertising. When the targeted users for specific advertisement are identified, we will discover the most appropriate endorsers which can propagate the ads to the target users with higher successful rate. Our experimental results show that the proposed social endorsing model can appropriately enhance and balance the satisfaction and coverage rate.