標題: 以混合多評準決策模式規劃新世代行動通訊市場發展策略
Establishing the New Era Operating Strategy of Mobile Communication Package Based on Hybrid MCDM Method
作者: 駱承佑
Luo, Cheng-Yiou
Tzeng, Gwo-Hshiung
關鍵字: 新世代行動電話;選擇偏好;決策試驗與實驗評估法 (Decision Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory, DEMATEL);影響影響網路關聯;滿意度與重要度分析;Mobile communication;Package selection system;Satisfaction-Importance Analysis (SIA);Decision Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory (DEMATEL);Influential Network Ration Map (INRM)
公開日期: 2012
摘要: 自1973年發展出行動通訊裝置後,行動通訊市場即進入蓬勃的持續發展,同時也隨著網際網路的快速發展,通訊技術與雲端服務的品質提升之下,行動通訊裝置也逐漸發展出多元化的功能,甚至大幅度改變現代人的生活型態。也因為如此,行動通訊市場裡面主導的角色也從以往的行動通訊裝置製造商,漸漸導入了行動通訊服務的提供商,競爭也隨之激烈。而近年來各家電信服務提供商更競相發展雲端加值服務,透過網際網路試著整合多元化服務來吸引消費者,新世代行動通訊市場的競爭與規畫將會比以往複雜許多。因此,本研究希望能夠透過調查來了解,消費者對於目前行動通訊市場的各種功能與服務的滿意度以及認知重要程度,並且建立消費者面臨行動通訊裝置的購買決策時的影響關聯性,以規劃新世代行動通訊的發展策略。 本研究以產品使用、消費者花費、一般功能與衍生功能之四個評估構面與13個評估準則來找出消費者對於新世代行動電話的購買動機需求,並來建構新世代行動通訊裝置的消費者價值評估模式,並選用17款於2012年第四季上市的第三代行動電話,解構手機製造商與行動通訊服務供應商的細節功能與服務內容,透過「滿意度與重要度分析(Satisfaction-Importance Analysis, SIA)」找出使用者需求與服務功能之間的落差,接著再以決策試驗與實驗評估法 (Decision Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory, DEMATEL)來建構需求構面的「影響影響網路關聯圖 (Influential Network Ration Map, INRM)」,之後透過需求落差與關聯結構圖以找出服務改善之方向,並藉此來建構並提出行動通訊市場之發展策略。
After the mobile communication machine was invented in 1973, the mobile phone market has embarked into its continuous and fast growth. In addition, with the internet and cloud computing technology became more and more mature and prevalent, mobile phones started to transform in a way beyond our imagination, and often there are varieties of functions added onto mobile phones, and those even change the way people have their life styles. Now, many mobile phone producers and telecommunication service providers(TSPs) have joined the market and make it more competitive. Some TSPs, in order to gain more market shares, started to develop cloud services for their customers; and some others try to integrate different kinds of service into one mobile phone. Therefore, the strategy for mobile phone market is no longer dominated by phone producers alone, it is far more complicated than before, and additional services start to play a role in it. In this research, 17 newly released mobile phones, which are equipped with very high end technologies, are put into research. I decomposed all the mobile phone functions, prices, and services from each product and TSP, and sorted them into 4 dimensions and 13 criteria. After 25 questionnaires were collected and analyzed, the Satisfaction-Importance Analysis (SIA) can find out which dimension/criterion will be needed to improve and the Decision Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory (DEMATEL) is used to construct the Network Relation Map (INRM). Therefore, I can obtain improvement strategies based on user needs and improve service quality using service develop strategies.