Title: 以專利分析探討電動車鋰電池材料發展趨勢
Development of Electric Vehicle Lithium-Ion Battery Materials by Using Patent Analysis
Authors: 錢聖
Chien, Sheng
Yuan, Benjamin
Keywords: 電動車;鋰電池材料;專利分析;Electric Vehicle;Li-Ion Battery Materials;Patent Analysis
Issue Date: 2011
Abstract:   隨著溫室效應以及能源枯竭的問題日益嚴重,電動車勢必會取代舊有石化能源成為新興能源的重要發展項目,其中電能儲存的技術也愈來愈受重視,目前世界各主要各大車廠及相關零組件廠,皆掌握電動車相關核心技術。而電動車最重要之關鍵零組件包含電池、馬達以及控制系統。本研究針對鋰電池的材料中最主要的正極材料、負極材料、電解液、隔離膜四樣種類進行探討,了解當今鋰電池材料的技術現況,並從電池效能、成本以及安全性三構面進行各材料的挑選後,用專利分析的方式了解該技術在專利上的發展過程以及未來展望,以期進一步了解該技術的內容及專利權人的佈局趨勢,以及各世界各大廠商歷年的重點發展項目,以預測未來車用鋰電池材料的發展並對相關廠商提出未來技術佈局之策略與建議。
  The greenhouse effect and the global problem of exhaustion of energy are getting worse. Electric vehicle, therefore, is destined to become an important item of development, while the electric energy it consumes will replace fossil energy. Consequently, the techniques of electric power storage, possessed by the biggest vehicle companies worldwide and other related enterprises, are getting more and more attention. The most crucial components of electric power storage include battery, motor and control system. This research emphasizes the analysis of four components of Lithium-ion: cathode material, anode material, electrolyte and separator. This report also aims to understand the current techniques of Lithium-ion, and after detailed selections of battery effectiveness, cost and security, to delve into the process of gaining patent by means of patent analysis and into the future development of Lithium-ion. The overall goal of the research is to help to predict the future development of Lithium-ion in vehicle use and be able to advise for related industries.
Appears in Collections:Thesis